BTO News Advertising

BTO News is the official membership magazine of the British Trust for Ornithology. The magazine serves as an entertaining and informative vehicle for members and supporters to find out about the results of BTO surveys and research findings. BTO News also contains features on all aspects of birdwatching and bird study, including details of BTO activities, news and book reviews.


BTO News is published four times a year and distributed to members in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Our current circulation is 18,000), but your advertising will reach a wider readership, as copies of BTO News are sent to press contacts and members of our corporate membership scheme, for staff and customers to review. Copies are also available at conferences and events around the country.


BTO members are active and dedicated. They find BTO News a valuable source of information and generally read the magazine in its entirety. Thereafter, they keep their copies to refer back to. As an advertiser, you will be exposed to an attentive, affluent audience within an editorial environment that is well respected by birdwatchers across the nation.

It offers ideal advertising opportunities for a variety of businesses. Our readers have an active interest in ornithology, wildlife, the countryside, outdoor activities, optical equipment, holidays, books, clothing, art, gardening, cameras and items relating to birds and birdwatching. Currently, only two pages worth of advertisements are included in this 40-page magazine, which means that your advert will stand out from the crowd.  

Contact us 

BTO News Advertising, BTO, The Nunnery, Thetford, Norfolk, IP24 2PU
Telephone: 01842 750050

Advertising Rates

Ad Rates
Outside Back Cover £1,000
Half Page £490
Inserts On application*

All rates exclusive of VAT.

*Inserts should be A4 or A5 and we request an example prior to acceptance.


5% discount for two consecutive issues.
10% discount for four or more issues.
10% discount to members of the BTO Corporate Membership Scheme

Mechanical Data (page sizes mm)

Page Size Depth x Width
Back cover (trimmed) 297 x 210
Back cover (bleed) 307 x 220
Half page across 125 x 187


Printed by offset litho. Binding: two saddle stitches. Extra typesetting, artwork, colour separation will be charged at cost. PC formatted preferred. Copy can be sent in PDF format, JPEG/TIF or as an InDesign file (with hard copy). Pleae send on either a CD or by e-mail to

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