BTO News
BTO members receive our exciting, full-colour 40 page magazine BTO News four times a year. BTO News keeps you informed of the work of the Trust and related topical issues concerning birds and the environment, all illustrated with stunning photographs.
See how we use your records, and how vital they are for our work, contributing enormously to our research understanding bird populations and identifying effective conservation measures. You will also learn about other BTO research, new and upcoming surveys and how you can help.
Each feature-packed issue also tells you the latest bird news, gives information on recently published books and reviews of new products, includes top tips on bird ID, and lets you know of events, training courses and conferences around the country.
As a taster, here’s a preview of some of our BTO News articles:
The secret lives of wintering Blackcaps
Blackcaps, BTO News 341
Road testing
Road testing, BTO News 336
Opinion piece by Alison Johnston
Opinion piece by Gordon Kirk
Ornithological masterclass: avian evolution
Ornithological masterclass: citizen science
Join BTO today to receive BTO News
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