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Peer Journal sample covers

It is BTO’s policy to make public the results of our research. Our aim is to publish as much as possible of our work in the peer reviewed scientific literature.  Many results are also published in our BTO Research Report series.

Alexander, H.G. 1943. Report on the Bird-song Inquiry - Part 3. British Birds 36 : 102-109
Alexander, W.B. 1943. The index of Heron population, 1942. British Birds 36 : 206-208
Lack, D. 1943. The age of some more British birds - Part 1. British Birds 36 : 193-197
Lack, D. 1943. The age of the Blackbird. British Birds 36 : 166-175
Leach, E.P. 1943. Summary of recoveries of marked birds. British Birds 36 : 235-240
Thomson, A.L. 1943. Report of the Bird-ringing Committee: progress for 1942. British Birds 36 : 209-213
Thomson, A.L. 1943. The migration of the Sandwich Tern: results from British ringing. British Birds 37 : 62-69
Alexander, W.B. 1942. The index of Heron population, 1941. British Birds 35 : 210-213
Thomas, J.F. 1942. Report on the Redshank Inquiry 1939-40. British Birds 36 : 5-14
Thomas, J.F. 1942. Report onthe Redshank Inquiry 1939-40. British Birds 36 : 22-34
Thomson, A.L. 1942. Report of the Bird-ringing Committee: progress for 1941. British Birds 35 : 267-272
Tucker, B.W. 1942. Further data on nest-sanitation. British Birds 35 : 90-97
Tucker, B.W. 1942. Further data on nest-sanitation. British Birds 35 : 67-72
Alexander, H.G. 1942. Report on the bird-song inquiry - Part 3. British Birds 36 : 102-109
Alexander, H.G. 1942. Report on the bird-song inquiry - Part 1. British Birds 36 : 65-72
Alexander, H.G. 1942. Report on the bird-song inquiry - Part 2. British Birds 36 : 86-92
Thomas, J.F. 1942. Report on the Redshank Inquiry 1939-1940 - Part 1. British Birds 36 : 5-14
Thomas, J.F. 1942. Report on the Redshank Inquiry 1939-1940 - Part 2. British Birds 36 : 22-34
Tucker, B.W. 1942. Further data on nest-sanitation - Part 1. British Birds 35 : 66-72
Tucker, B.W. 1942. Further data on nest-sanitation - Part 2. British Birds 35 : 90-97
Alexander, W.B. 1941. Report on the Wood Pigeon (commissioned by the Royal Agricultural Society of England). Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society 100 (part 3)
Alexander, W.B. 1941. The index of Heron population, 1940. British Birds 34 : 189-194
Fisher, J. & Waterston, G. 1941. The breeding distribution, history and population of the Fulmar Fulmarus glacialis in the British Isles. Journal of Animal Ecology 10 : 204-272
Leach, E.P. 1941. Summary of recoveries of marked birds - Part 1. British Birds 35 : 149-153
Leach, E.P. 1941. Summary of recoveries of marked birds - Part 2. British Birds 35 : 174-177
Thomson, A.L. 1941. Report of the Bird-ringing Committee: progress for 1940. British Birds 35 : 9-14
Alexander, W.B. 1940. The index of Heron population, 1939. British Birds 33 : 304-306
Hollom, P.A.D. 1940. Report on the 1938 survey of Black-headed Gull colonies. British Birds 33 : 230-244
Hollom, P.A.D. 1940. Report on the 1938 survey of Black-headed Gull colonies. British Birds 33 : 202-221
Leach, E.P. 1940. Summary of recoveries of marked birds - Part 1. British Birds 34 : 36-43
Leach, E.P. 1940. Summary of recoveries of marked birds - Part 2. British Birds 34 : 61-64
Leach, E.P. 1940. Summary of recoveries of marked birds - Part 3. British Birds 34 : 172-177
Thomson, A.L. 1940. Report of the Bird-ringing Committee: progress for 1939. British Birds 33 : 318-325
Chapman, W.M.M. 1939. The bird population on an Oxfordshire farm. Journal of Animal Ecology 8 : 286-299
Fryer, J.C.F. 1939. The destruction of buds of trees and shrubs by birds. British Birds 33 : 90-94
Huxley, J.S. 1939. Notes on the percentage of Bridled Guillemots. British Birds 33 : 174-183
Lack, D. & Venables, L.S.V. 1939. The habitat distribution of British woodland birds. Journal of Animal Ecology 8 : 39-71
Leach, E.P. 1939. Summary of recoveries of marked birds. British Birds 32 : 329-335
Thomson, A.L. 1939. Report of the bird-ringing committee: progress for 1938. British Birds 32 : 382-389
Thomson, A.L. 1939. The migration of the Gannet: results of marking in the British Isles. British Birds 32 : 282-289
Hibbert-Ware, A. 1938. Report of the Little Owl Food Inquiry, 1936-7. Reprint with corrections from British Birds 31 pp 162, 205 and 249. 74 pp. HF&G Witherby, London, for British Trust for Ornithology
Leach, E.P. 1938. Summary of recoveries of marked birds - Part 1. British Birds 31
Leach, E.P. 1938. Summary of recoveries of marked birds - Part 2. British Birds 32 : 78-82
Leach, E.P. 1938. Summary of recoveries of marked birds - Part 3. British Birds 32 : 107-112
Nicholson, E.M. 1938. Report on the Lapwing Habitat Enquiry, 1937 - Part 1. British Birds 32 : 170-191
Nicholson, E.M. 1938. Report on the Lapwing Habitat Enquiry, 1937 - Part 2. British Birds 32 : 207-229
Nicholson, E.M. 1938. Report on the Lapwing Habitat Enquiry, 1937 - Part 3. British Birds 32 : 255-259
