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Peer Journal sample covers

It is BTO’s policy to make public the results of our research. Our aim is to publish as much as possible of our work in the peer reviewed scientific literature.  Many results are also published in our BTO Research Report series.

Williamson, K. & Spencer, R. 1960. Ringing recoveries and the interpretation of bird movements. Bird Migration 1 : 176-181
Williamson, K. & Spencer, R. 1960. Ringing recoveries and the interpretation of bird-movements. Bird Migration 1 : 176-181
Burton, J.F. 1959. Report on the Nest Record Scheme, 1958. Bird Study 6 : 193-194
Hollom, P.A.D. 1959. The Great-crested Grebe sample census 1946-1955. Bird Study 6 : 1-7
Lack, D. & Williamson, K. 1959. Bird-migration terms. Ibis 101 : 255-256
Mackenzie, J.M.D. 1959. Roosting of Treecreepers. Bird Study 6 : 8-14
Spencer, R. 1959. The Ringing Scheme, 1957. Bird Study 6 : 141-143
Stafford, J. 1959. The census of heronries 1958. Bird Study 6 : 175-179
Williamson, K. 1959. An invasion of tits on the Calf of Man. Peregrine 3(1)
Williamson, K. 1959. Aspects of autumn migration in 1959. Bird Migration 1 : 147-152
Williamson, K. 1959. Aspects of spring migration in 1959. Bird Migration 1 : 84-88
Williamson, K. 1959. Changes of mating within a colony of Arctic Skuas. Bird Study 6 : 51-60 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063655909475932)
Williamson, K. 1959. Meadow Pipit migration. Bird Migration 1 : 88-91
Williamson, K. 1959. Observations on the Chough. Peregrine 3(1) : 8-14
Williamson, K. 1959. Snipe at St. Kilda. Bird Notes 29 : 5-8
Williamson, K. 1959. The September drift-movements of 1956 and 1958. British Birds 52 : 334-377
Williamson, K. 1959. William Stanley Cowin (1908-1958). Peregrine 3(1) : 15-18
Williamson, K. & Armstrong, E.A. 1959. The behaviour and breeding environment of the St. Kilda Wren. British Birds 52 : 136-140
Williamson, K. & Ferguson-Lees, I.J. 1959. Recent reports and news: August 1959. British Birds 52 : 271-280
Williamson, K. & McLean, I. 1959. Migration notes from the Western Approaches, spring 1958. British Birds 52 : 177-185
Williamson, K., Parslow, J.L.F. & Dance, S.P. 1959. Snails carried by birds. Bird Migration 1 : 91-93
Yapp, W.B. 1959. The birds of high level woodlands. The winter population. Bird Study 6 : 136-141
Burton, J.F. 1958. Report on the Nest Record Scheme, 1957. Bird Study 5 : 143-148
Lack, D. 1958. Swifts over the sea at night. Bird Study 5 : 126-127
Lack, D. 1958. Weather movements of Swifts. Bird Study 5 : 128-142
McLean, I. & Williamson, K. 1958. Migrant land-birds in the western approaches. British Birds 51 : 351-353
Rawcliffe, C.P. 1958. The Scottish Mute Swan census 1955-56. Bird Study 5 : 45-55
Stafford, J. 1958. The census of heronries 1957. Bird Study 5 : 121-125
Williamson, K. 1958. Autumn immigration of Redwings Turdus musicus into Fair Isle. Ibis 100 : 582-604 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1111/j.1474-919X.1958.tb07962.x)
Williamson, K. 1958. Bergmann's rule and obligatory overseas migration. British Birds 51 : 209-232
Williamson, K. 1958. Population and breeding environment of the St. Kilda and Fair Isle Wrens. British Birds 51 : 369-393
Williamson, K. 1958. The menace of the gulls at St. Kilda. Bird Notes 28 : 330-334
Williamson, K. & Ferguson-Lees, I.J. 1958. Recent reports and news: July 1958. British Birds 51 : 277-284
Williamson, K. & Ferguson-Lees, I.J. 1958. Recent reports and news: November 1958. British Birds 51 : 432-435
Williamson, K. & McLean, I. 1958. Merlins at sea. British Birds 51 : 157-158
Williamson, K. & McLean, I. 1958. Waders at ocean weather-ships in 1956. British Birds 51 : 152-156
Burton, J.F. 1957. Census of Heronries, 1954: Additions and Corrections. Bird Study 4 : 50-52 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063655709475867)
Burton, J.F. 1957. Census of heronries, 1954; additions and corrections. Bird Study 4 : 50-52
Burton, J.F. 1957. Report on the Nest Record Scheme, 1956. Bird Study 4 : 104-107
Burton, J.F. & Owen, D.F. 1957. The census of heronries 1955-56. Bird Study 4 : 121-124
Burton, J.F. & Owen, D.F. 1957. The census of heronries, 1955-56. Bird Study 4 : 121-124 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063655709475880)
Moore, N.W. 1957. Buzzard Survey. Bird Study 4 : 107-108
Moore, N.W. 1957. The past and present status of the Buzzard in the British Isles. British Birds 50 : 173-197
Spencer, R. 1957. The Ringing Scheme, 1955. Bird Study 4 : 52-53
Spencer, R. 1957. The Ringing Scheme, 1956. Bird Study 4 : 221-223
Blurton Jones, N.G. 1956. Census of breeding Canada Geese 1953. Bird Study 3 : 153-170
Burton, J.F. 1956. Report on the national census of heronries. Bird Study 3 : 42-73 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063655609475838)
Burton, J.F. 1956. Report on the national census of heronries 1954. Bird Study 3 : 42-73
