Key findings

This section summarises the key findings of the report, under six headings, based on the results presented and discussed in the Summary tables and Discussion sections. It concentrates on the alerts raised by this edition of the report and changes to alerts since previous reports in this series.

Amber and red listings for breeding trends use similar criteria to the BirdTrends alerts and were reviewed in 2015. This report, using four further year's data not available to BoCC4, suggest potential updates to current conservation concern for RedshankHouse Martin and Willow Warbler (from amber to red), SparrowhawkSedge Warbler and Garden Warbler (from green to amber) and Greenfinch (straight from green to red). However, it should be noted that Sedge Warbler and Garden Warbler have both shown frequent fluctuations in trends over the long-term.  In addition, although a long-term CBC/BBS trend is not available for Swift, the 22-year BBS trend suggests a potential update to the current conservation concern level for this species (from amber to red).

Conversely this report also suggests potential downgrading of the alert status as a result of improved recent trends (and provided no changes in the other amber or red listing criteria have occurred), from red to amber for Song Thrush and Grey Wagtail, and from amber to green for Dipper and Reed Bunting. This potential change in status is also dependent on the recent upturns being sustained until the next listing review, and it should be noted in particular that the last three of these species have all shown fluctuating long-term trends. 


This report should be cited as: Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2019) BirdTrends 2019: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. BTO Research Report 722. BTO, Thetford.