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Peer Journal sample covers

It is BTO’s policy to make public the results of our research. Our aim is to publish as much as possible of our work in the peer reviewed scientific literature.  Many results are also published in our BTO Research Report series.

Williamson, K. 1962. Passerine migration in Ireland, autumn 1961. Irish Bird Report 9 : 35-39
Williamson, K. 1962. Post-nuptial moult in the Dunnock. Bird Migration 2 : 114-115
Williamson, K. 1962. Studies of less familiar birds 117: Scarlet Grosbeak. British Birds 55 : 130-131
Williamson, K. 1962. The 1962 Crossbill irruption - a preliminary note. Bird Migration 2 : 201-202
Williamson, K. 1962. The nature of 'leading line' behaviour. Bird Migration 2 : 176-182
Barnes, J.A.G. 1961. The winter status of the Lesser Black backed Gull, 1959-60. Bird Study 8 : 127-147
Buxton, E.J.M. 1961. The inland breeding of the Oystercatcher in Great Britain, 1958-59. Bird Study 8 : 194-209
Mayer-Gross, H. 1961. The Nest Record Scheme, 1960. Bird Study 8 : 210-212
McLean, I. & Williamson, K. 1961. Migrants at ocean weather-ships autumn 1960. Bird Migration 1 : 245-249
McLean, I. & Williamson, K. 1961. Migrants in the North-East Atlantic. Danske Ornithologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 55 : 209-211
Stafford, J. 1961. The census of heronries 1959. Bird Study 8 : 38-42
Williamson, K. 1961. Aspects of autumn migration, 1960. Bird Migration 1 : 218-234
Williamson, K. 1961. Aspects of spring migration, 1961. Bird Migration 2 : 1-33
Williamson, K. 1961. Differences between two species of Calandrella. Bird Migration 2 : 34-37
Williamson, K. 1961. Passerine migration in Ireland, autumn 1960. 8th Irish Bird Report (1960) : 35-38
Williamson, K. 1961. Sequence of post-nuptial moult in the Starling. Bird Migration 2 : 43-45
Williamson, K. 1961. The concept of 'cyclonic approach'. Bird Migration 1 : 235-240
Williamson, K. 1961. The differences between two species of Calandrella. Bird Migration 2 : 34-37
Williamson, K. 1961. The taxonomy of the redpolls. British Birds 54 : 238-241
Williamson, K. & Clancey, P.A. 1961. On Western Palaearctic <i>Anthus pratensis</i> (Linnaeus). Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 81 : 10-12
Campbell, B. 1960. The Mute Swan census in England and Wales 1955-56. Bird Study 7 : 208-223
Campbell, B. 1960. The research methods of the British Trust for Ornithology. Book title: Proceedings of XII International Ornithological Congress, Helsinki 1958 : 144-152
Hickling, R.A.O. 1960. The coastal roosting of gulls in England and Wales 1955-56. Bird Study 7 : 32-52
Mayer-Gross, H. 1960. Report on the Nest Record Scheme 1959. Bird Study 7 : 241-247
McLean, I. & Williamson, K. 1960. Migrants at station "Juliett" in September 1959. British Birds 53 : 215-219
Norris, C.A. 1960. The breeding distribution of thirty bird species in 1952. Bird Study 7 : 129-184
Williamson, K. 1960. Aspects of spring migration , 1960. Bird Migration 1 : 161-170
Williamson, K. 1960. Juvenile and winter plumages of the marsh terns. British Birds 53 : 243-252
Williamson, K. 1960. Moult as a study in field-taxonomy. Bird Migration 1 : 171-175
Williamson, K. 1960. Passerine migration in Ireland, autumn 1959. Irish Bird Report 1959 : 33-36
Williamson, K. 1960. Taxonomic notes on some birds in the Manx Museum. Peregrine 3 : 55-57
Williamson, K. 1960. The development of young Snipe studied by mist-netting. Bird Study 7 : 63-76 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063656009475960)
Williamson, K. & Boswall, J. 1960. A landing on Sule Stack. Scottish Birds 1 : 266-268
Williamson, K. & Boyd, J.M. 1960. St Kilda summer. London, Hutchinson & Co.
Williamson, K. & Ferguson-Lees, I.J. 1960. Nearctic birds in Great Britain and Ireland in autumn 1958. British Birds 53 : 369-378
Williamson, K. & Ferguson-Lees, I.J. 1960. Recent reports and news. British Birds 53 : 41-48
Williamson, K. & MacEachern, A. 1960. Goose emigration at the Butt of Lewis. Bird Migration 1
Williamson, K. & McLean, I. 1960. Migrants between south Greenland and Iceland. Danske Ornithologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 54 : 69-84
Williamson, K. & McLean, I. 1960. Spring migrants between south Greenland and Iceland. Danske Ornithologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 54 : 189-195
Williamson, K. & Spencer, R. 1960. Ringing recoveries and the interpretation of bird movements. Bird Migration 1 : 176-181
Williamson, K. & Spencer, R. 1960. Ringing recoveries and the interpretation of bird-movements. Bird Migration 1 : 176-181
Burton, J.F. 1959. Report on the Nest Record Scheme, 1958. Bird Study 6 : 193-194
Hollom, P.A.D. 1959. The Great-crested Grebe sample census 1946-1955. Bird Study 6 : 1-7
Lack, D. & Williamson, K. 1959. Bird-migration terms. Ibis 101 : 255-256
Mackenzie, J.M.D. 1959. Roosting of Treecreepers. Bird Study 6 : 8-14
Spencer, R. 1959. The Ringing Scheme, 1957. Bird Study 6 : 141-143
Stafford, J. 1959. The census of heronries 1958. Bird Study 6 : 175-179
Williamson, K. 1959. An invasion of tits on the Calf of Man. Peregrine 3(1)
