State of Nature Report
The State of Nature Report is an assessment of how nature is doing across the UK. As well as an overarching assessment of UK flora and fauna, there are separate reports for England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales to look at each country in more depth. The reports pool data and expertise from more than 60 nature conservation and research organisations, a partnership unparalleled in UK conservation.
The first State of Nature Report was published in 2013 and was followed by updated reports in 2016, 2019 and 2023.
Data from BTO surveys feed into the reports, providing information on the changing fortunes of Britain’s birds and some mammals, and BTO scientists have been closely involved in the report’s production, from summarising our information and design of the analytical methods used in the assessments, to presenting case studies of conservation in action.
The BTO’s monitoring programmes, together with those coordinated by other conservation organisations, continue to provide the evidence for this assessment.

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