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Peer Journal sample covers

It is BTO’s policy to make public the results of our research. Our aim is to publish as much as possible of our work in the peer reviewed scientific literature.  Many results are also published in our BTO Research Report series.

Stafford, J. 1969. The census of heronries 1962-63. Bird Study 16 : 83-88
Williamson, K. 1969. A farmland bird census. A breeding bird census in woodland. School Projects in Natural History 2: (Devon Trust for Nature Conservation) : 17-22
Williamson, K. 1969. Land of birds. The Census of British birds - Part 1. Book of British Birds. Drive Publications Ltd. : 6-14
Williamson, K. 1969. Land of birds. The Census of British birds - Part 2. Book of British Birds. Drive Publications Ltd. : 460-461
Williamson, K. 1969. Weather systems and bird movements. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 95 : 414-423
Bailey, R.S. 1968. An index of bird population changes in woodland. Bird Study 15 : 171-180 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063656809476200)
Bailey, R.S. 1968. The pelagic distribution of sea-birds in the western Indian Ocean. Ibis 110 : 493-519 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1111/j.1474-919X.1968.tb00060.x)
Bailey, R.S. & Batten, L.A. 1968. Bird population changes on farmland for the years 1966-67. Bird Study 15 : 181-183 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063656809476201)
Bailey, R.S., Pocklington, R. & Wills, R.R. 1968. Storm-petrels Oceanodroma spp. in the Indian Ocean. Ibis 110 : 27-34 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1111/j.1474-919X.1968.tb07978.x)
Cox, C.J. & Flegg, J.J.M. 1968. The birds of TQ77. Kent Bird Report 15 : 76-82
Feeny, P.P., Arnold, R.W. & Bailey, R.S. 1968. Autumn migration in the South Caspian region. Ibis 110 : 35-86 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1111/j.1474-919X.1968.tb07979.x)
Flegg, J.J.M. & Cox, C.J. 1968. Winter food of Long-eared Owls in Kent. Bird Study 15 : 163-164 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063656809476196)
Glue, D.E. 1968. Bird predators feeding at autumn roosts. British Birds 61 : 526-527
Glue, D.E. 1968. Prey taken by Great Grey Shrike in Hampshire. British Birds 61
Holyoak, D. 1968. A comparative study of the food of some British Corvidae. Bird Study 15 : 147-153 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063656809476194)
Holyoak, D. & Ratcliffe, D.A. 1968. The distribution of the Raven in Britain and Ireland. Bird Study 15 : 191-197 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063656809476203)
Hudson, R. 1968. Recoveries in Great Britain and Ireland of birds ringed abroad. British Birds 61 : 65-76
Hudson, R. 1968. The Great Skua in the Caribbean. Bird Study 15 : 33-34 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063656809476177)
Hudson, R. 1968. The white-phase Giant Petrels of the South Orkney Islands. Ardea 56 : 178-183
Hudson, R. & Pyman, G.A. 1968. A Guide to the Birds of Essex.
Mead, C.J. 1968. Birds as vectors of the foot-and-mouth virus. Book title: The Veterinary Annual Bristol : 70-75
Mead, C.J., Flegg, J.J.M. & Cox, C.J. 1968. A factor inhibiting subspecific differentiation in the Lapwing. Bird Study 15 : 105-106 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063656809476188)
Peal, R.E.F. 1968. The distribution of the Wryneck in the British Isles 1964-1966. Bird Study 15 : 111-126
Snow, D.W. 1968. Birds and the 1967-68 foot-and-mouth epidemic. Bird Study 15 : 184-190 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063656809476202)
Snow, D.W. 1968. Movements and mortality of British Kestrels. Bird Study 15 : 65-83 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063656809476184)
Spencer, R. 1968. Report on bird-ringing for 1967. British Birds 61 : 477-523
Williamson, K. 1968. A breeding bird survey of Queen Wood in the Chilterns, Oxon. Quarterly Journal of Forestry 62 : 118-131
Williamson, K. 1968. Bird communities in the Malham Tarn region of the Pennines. Field Studies 2 : 651-668
Williamson, K. 1968. Buntings on a barley farm. Bird Study 15 : 34-37 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063656809476177)
Williamson, K. 1968. Goose emigration from western Scotland. Scottish Birds 5 : 71-89
Williamson, K. 1968. The importance of managing scrub as a breeding habitat for birds. Book title: Handbook of the Society for the Promotion of Nature Reserves : 1-7
Bailey, R.S. 1967. An index of bird population changes on farmland. Bird Study 14 : 195-209 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063656709476164)
Davis, P. 1967. Migration-seasons of the Sylvia warblers at British bird observatories. Bird Study 14 : 65-95 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063656709476149)
Hickling, R.A.O. 1967. The inland wintering of gulls in England, 1963. Bird Study 14 : 104-113
Hudson, R. 1967. British rings used abroad II. Ring 52 : 35-42
Hudson, R. 1967. Recoveries in Great Britain and Ireland of birds ringed abroad. British Birds 60 : 65-80
Mayer-Gross, H. 1967. The Nest Record Scheme, 1966. Bird Study 15 : 39-41
Potts, G.R. 1967. Urban Starling roosts in the British Isles. Bird Study 14 : 25-42
Ratcliffe, D.A. 1967. The Peregrine situation in Great Britain 1965-66. Bird Study 14 : 238-246
Snow, D.W. 1967. Population changes of some common birds in gardens. British Birds 60 : 339-341
Snow, D.W. 1967. The breeding cycle of the Swallow-tailed Gull Creagrus furcatus. Ibis 109 : 14-24 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1111/j.1474-919X.1967.tb00003.x)
Snow, D.W. 1967. The family Paridae. Book title: Peter's Check-list of Birds of the World Cambridge, Massachusetts
Snow, D.W. 1967. The Moult Enquiry. Bird Study 14 : 123-124
Snow, D.W. & Mayer-Gross, H. 1967. Farmland as a nesting habitat. Bird Study 14 : 43-52 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063656709476144)
Spencer, R. 1967. Report on bird-ringing for 1966. British Birds 60 : 429-475
Williamson, K. 1967. A bird community of accreting sand dunes and salt marsh. British Birds 60 : 145-157
Williamson, K. 1967. Some aspects of the scientific interest and management of scrub on nature reserves. Book title: The Biotic Effects of Public Pressures on the Environment Nature Conservancy : 94-100
