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It is BTO’s policy to make public the results of our research. Our aim is to publish as much as possible of our work in the peer reviewed scientific literature.  Many results are also published in our BTO Research Report series.

du Feu, C.R., Joys, A.C., Clark, J.A., Fiedler, W., Downie, I.S., van Noordwijk, A.J., Spina, F., Wassenaar, R. & Baillie, S.R. 2009. EURING Data Bank geographical index 2009. EURING website View Abstract
Eaton, M.A., Brown, A. .F, Noble, D.G., Musgrove, A.J., Hearn, R., Aebischer, N.J., Gibbons, D.W., Evans, A. & Gregory, R.D. 2009. Birds of Conservation Concern III: priority species for conservation action in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. British Birds 102 : 296-341
Eglington, S.M., Gill, J.A., Smart, M.A., Sutherland, W.J., Watkinson, A.R., & Bolton, M. 2009. Habitat management and patterns of predation of Northern Lapwings on wet grasslands: the influence of linear habitat structures at different spatial scales. Biological Conservation 142 : 314-324 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2008.10.027)
Eglington, S.M., Smart, M., Bolton, M. and Gill, J.A. 2009. Reversion of arable land to wet grassland for breeding waders. Conservation Land Management 7 : 5-9
Evans, K.L., Leech, D.I., Crick, H.Q.P., Greenwood, J.J.D. & Gaston, K.J. 2009. Latitudinal and seasonal patterns in clutch size of some single-brooded British birds. Bird Study 56 : 75-85 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063650802648291)
Evans, K.L., Newson S.E. & Gaston, K.J. 2009. Habitat influences on urban avian assemblages. Ibis 151 : 19-39 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1111/j.1474-919X.2008.00898.x)
Franco, A.M.A., Anderson, B.J., Roy, D.B., Gillings, S., Fox, R., Moilanen, A. & Thomas, D. 2009. Surrogacy and persistence in reserve selection: landscape prioritization for multiple taxa in Britain. Journal of Applied Ecology 46 : 82-91 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2008.01598.x)
Gillings, S., Atkinson, P.W., Baker, A.J., Bennett, K.A., Clark, N.A., Cole, K.B., González, P.M., Kalasz, K.S., Minton, C.D.T., Niles, N.J., Porter, R.C., De Lima Serrano, I., Sitters, H.P. & Woods, J.L. 2009. Staging behavior in Red Knot Calidris canutus in Delaware Bay: implications for monitoring mass and population size. Auk 126 : 54-63 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1525/auk.2009.06247)
Gilroy, J.J., Anderson, G.Q.A., Grice, P.V., Vickery, J.A., Watts, P.N. & Sutherland, W.J. 2009. Foraging habitat selection, diet and nestling condition in Yellow Wagtails Motacilla flava breeding on arable farmland. Bird Study 56 : 221-232 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063650902792080)
Greenwood, J.J.D. 2009. 100 years of ringing in Britain and Ireland. Ringing & Migration 24 : 147-153 View Abstract
Hamer, K.C., Humphreys, E.M., Magalhães, M.C., Garthe, S., Hennicke, J., Peters, G., Grémillet, D., Skov, H. & Wanless S. 2009. Fine-scale foraging behaviour of a medium-ranging marine predator. Journal of Animal Ecology 78 : 880-889 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2656.2009.01549.x)
Hancock, M.H., Smith, T., Chamberlain, D.E., Wilson, J.D. & Lack, P.C. 2009. Using repeated winter surveys to estimate changes in abundance of seed-eating passerines. Bird Study 56 : 65-74 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063650802648218)
Hardey, J., Crick, H., Wernham, C., Riley, H., Etheridge, B. & Thompson, D. (Eds.) 2009. Raptors. A Field Guide for Surveys and Monitoring. [Superceded by 3rd Edition 2013]. The Stationery Office, Edinburgh
Henderson, I.G., Ravenscroft, N., Smith, G. & Holloway, S. 2009. Effects of crop diversification and low pesticide inputs on bird populations on arable land. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 129 : 149-156 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2008.08.014)
Hinsley, S.A., Hill, R.A., Fuller, R.J., Bellamy, P.E. & Rothery, P. 2009. Bird species distributions across woodland canopy structure gradients. Community Ecology 10 : 99-110 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1556/ComEc.10.2009.1.12)
Hoodless, A.N., Lang, D., Aebischer, N.J., Fuller, R.J. & Ewald, J.A. 2009. Densities and population estimates of breeding Eurasian Woodcock Scolopax rusticola in Britain in 2003. Bird Study 56 : 15-25 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063650802674768)
MacLeod, C.J., Newson, S.E., Blackwell, G. & Duncan, R.P. 2009. Enhanced niche opportunities: can they explain the success of New Zealand's introduced bird species?. Diversity and Distributions 15 : 41-49 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1111/j.1472-4642.2008.00498.x)
Newson, S.E., Leech, D.I., Hewson, C.M., Crick, H.Q.P. & Grice, P.V. 2009. Population impact of grey squirrels Sciurus carolinensis on woodland bird populations in England. Journal of Ornithology 151 : 211-218 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1007/s10336-009-0445-8)
Newson, S.E., Ockendon, N., Joys, A., Noble, D.G. & Baillie, S.R. 2009. Comparison of habitat-specific trends in the abundance of breeding birds in the UK. Bird Study 56 : 233-243 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063650902792098)
Niles, L.J., Bart, J., Sitters, H.P., Dey, A.D., Clark, K.E., Atkinson, P.W., Baker, A.J., Bennett, K.A., Kalasz, K.S., Clark, N.A., Clark, J., Gillings, S., Gates, A.S., Gonzalez, P.M., Hernandez, D.E., Minton, C.D.T., Morrison, R.I.G., Porter, R.R., Ross, R.K. & Veitch, C.R. 2009. Effects of Horseshoe Crab harvest in Delaware Bay on Red Knots: are harvest restrictions working?. Bioscience 59 : 153-164 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1525/bio.2009.59.7.21)
Norton, L., Johnson, P., Joys, A., Stuart, R., Chamberlain, D., Feber, R., Firbank, L., Manley, W., Wolfe, M., Hart, B., Mathews, F., MacDonald, D. & Fuller, R.J. 2009. Consequences of organic and non-organic farming practices for field, farm and landscape complexity. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 129 : 221-227 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2008.09.002)
Ockendon, N., Davis, S.E., Miyar, T. & Toms, M.P. 2009. Urbanisation and time of arrival of common birds at garden feeding stations. Bird Study 56 : 405-410 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063650902937313)
Ockendon, N., Davis, S.E., Toms, M.P. & Mukherjee, S. 2009. Eye size and the time of arrival of birds at garden feeding stations in winter. Journal of Ornithology 150 : 903-908 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1007/s10336-009-0412-4)
Redfern, C.P.F., Clark, J.A., Robinson, R.A. & Baillie, S.R. 2009. A century of ringing in Britain and Ireland. (Editorial). Ringing & Migration 24 View Abstract
Robinson, R.A., Grantham, M.J. & Clark, J.A. 2009. Declining rates of ring recovery in British birds. Ringing & Migration 24 : 266-272 View Abstract
Robinson, R.A., Juillard, R. & Saracco, J.F. 2009. Constant effort: studying avian population processes using standardised ringing. Ringing & Migration 24 : 199-204 View Abstract
Saether, B.E., Grotan, V., Engen, S., Noble, D.G. & Feckleton, R.P 2009. Critical parameters for predicting population fluctuations of some British passerines. Journal of Animal Ecology 78 : 1 063-1 075 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2656.2009.01565.x)
Summers, R.W., Hallgrimsson, G.T., Aiton, D., Etheridge, B., Heaton, J. & Swann, R.L. 2009. Population structure, biometrics and moult of migrant Purple Sandpipers Calidris maritima in southwest Iceland in spring. Bird Study 56 : 357-368 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063650902937321)
Thaxter, C.B., Daunt, F., Hamer, K.C., Watanuki, Y., Harris, M.P., Gr 2009. Sex-specific food provisioning in a monomorphic seabird, the common guillemot Uria aalge: nest defence, foraging efficiency or parental effort?. Journal of Avian Biology 40 : 75-84 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-048X.2008.04507.x)
Toms, M.P. 2009. Eagle Owls in Britain: origins and conservation implications. British Wildlife 20 : 405-412
Vickery, J.A., Feber, R.E. & Fuller, R.J. 2009. Arable field margins managed for biodiversity conservation: a review of food resource provision for farmland birds. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 133 : 1-3 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2009.05.012)
Whittingham, M.J., Krebs, J.R., Swetnam, R.D., Thewlis, R.M., Wilson, J.D. & Freckleton, R.P. 2009. Habitat associations of British breeding farmland birds. Bird Study 56 : 43-52 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063650802648150)
Wotton, S., Conway, G., Eaton, M., Henderson, I., & Grice, P. 2009. The status of the Dartford Warbler in the UK and the Channel Islands in 2006. British Birds 102 : 230-246
Wright, L.J., Hoblyn. R.A., Green, R.E., Bowden, C.G.R., Mallord, J.W., Sutherland, W.J. & Dolman, P.M. 2009. Importance of climatic and environmental change in the demography of a multi-brooded passerine, the Woodlark Lullula arborea. Journal of Animal Ecology 78 : 1 191-1 202 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2656.2009.01582.x)
Kovacs A., Mammen U.C.C., Wernham, C.V. 2008. European monitoring for raptors and owls: state of the art and future needs. Ambio 37 (part 6) Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences : 408-412 View Abstract
Baillie, S.R., Brooks, S.P., King, R. & Thomas, L. 2008. Using a state-space model of the British Song Thrush Turdus philomelos population to diagnose the causes of a population decline. Book title: Modeling Demographic Processes in Marked Populations. Series: Environmental and Ecological Statistics , Vol. 3 : 541-561
Balmer, D.E., Coiffait, L., Clark, J.A. & Robinson, R.A. 2008. Bird Ringing. BTO, Thetford
Banks, A.N., Sanderson, W.G., Hughes, B., Cranswick, P.A., Smith, L.E., Whitehead, S., Musgrove, A.J., Haycock, B. & Fairney, N.P. 2008. The Sea Empress oil spill (Wales, UK): effects on Common Scoter Melanitta nigra in Carmarthen Bay and status ten years later. Marine Pollution Bulletin 56 : 895-902 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2008.01.032)
Brooks, S.P., Freeman, S.N., Greenwood, J.J.D., King, R. & Mazzetta, C. 2008. Quantifying conservation concern - Bayesian statistics, birds and the Red Data lists. Biological Conservation 141 : 1 436-1 441 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2008.03.009)
Burton, N.H.K. & Rehfisch, M.M. 2008. The European Non-Estuarine Coastal Waterbird Survey: background and methodology. Book title: The European Non-Estuarine Coastal Waterbird Survey(International Wader Studies 18.) International Wader Study Group, Thetford, UK : 1-3 View Abstract
Burton, N.H.K., Blew, J., Colhoun, K., Cortes, J., Deceuninck, B., Devos, K., Hortas, F., Mendes, L., Nilsson, L., Radovic, D., Rehfisch, M.M., van Roomen, M., Soldatini, C., Thorup, O. & Stroud, D.A. 2008. Population status of waders wintering on Europe's non-estuarine coasts. Book title: The European Non-Estuarine Coastal Waterbird Survey.(International Wader Studies 18.) International Wader Study Group, Thetford, UK. : 95-101 View Abstract
Cave, V.M., Freeman, S.N., Brooks, S.P., King, R., & Balmer, D.E. 2008. On adjusting for missed visits in the indexing of abundance from 'Constant Effort' ringing. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 3 Book title: Modelling Demographic Processes in Marked Populations, Environmental and Ecological Statistics Vol. 3 Springer : 951-966 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-78151-8-43)
Coiffait, L., Clark, J.A., Robinson, R.A., Blackburn, J.R., Grantham, M.J., Marchant, J.H., Barber, L., de Palacio, D., Griffin, B.M. & Moss, D. 2008. Bird ringing in Britain and Ireland in 2007. Ringing & Migration 24 : 104-144 View Abstract
Coiffait, L., Clark, J.A., Robinson, R.A., Blackburn, J.R., Griffin, B.M., Risely, K., Grantham, M.J., Marchant, J.H., Girling, T. & Barber, L. 2008. Bird ringing in Britain and Ireland in 2006. Ringing & Migration 24 : 15-79 View Abstract
Colhoun, K., Austin, G. & Newton, S. 2008. Wader populations on non-estuarine coasts in the Republic of Ireland: results of the 1997/98 Non-Estuarine Coastal Waterbird Survey (Ireland-NEWS). Book title: The European Non-Estuarine Coastal Waterbird Survey.(International Wader Studies 18.) International Wader Study Group, Thetford, UK. : 39-47 View Abstract
Crowe, O., Austin, G.E., Colhoun, K., Cranswick, P.A., Kershaw, M. & Musgrove, A.J. 2008. Estimates and trends of waterbird numbers wintering in Ireland, 1994/95 to 2003/04. Bird Study 55 : 66-67 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063650809461506)
