John Preston
Pippa Jones
Help needed!
If you can help distribute BTO Garden BirdWatch guides and leaflets then please get in touch!
Selected previous activities
- Talk: January 2018, Helperby WI
- Talk: January 2018, Thorner Probus
-Event: February 2017, RHS Harlow Carr bird ringing demonstration
-Event: April 2017, Harrogate Flower Show
- Talk: Feb 2016, Cottingham Ladies Circle
- Talk: Feb 2016, Cowton WI
- Talk: Feb 2016, Leyland Probus Club
- Article:
Nov 2010: About Garden BirdWatch
Nov 2010: About Garden BirdWatch (DOC, 2.50 MB)
- Questionnaire: Nov 2010, to local RSPB group about feeding and recording birds, the BTO and Garden BirdWatch
John Kirkman articles
Bradway Birds - Birds of Prey
Bradway Birds - Birds of Prey (PDF, 1.31 MB)
April/May Bradway Birds article
April/May Bradway Birds article (PDF, 1.31 MB)
John's garden birds
John's garden birds (PDF, 255.83 KB)
Bradway birds article
Bradway birds article (PDF, 334.41 KB)
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