Safeguarding Children
Information about our Safeguarding Children Policy, including how we seek to keep children safe, expectations of staff and volunteers, and what to do if a potential safeguarding incident arises.
What to do if you have safeguarding or welfare concerns
If you are a young person yourself (or a parent or guardian), and have concerns about the actions of adults, you need to know that it is fine to bypass your usual volunteer group or the BTO staff member with whom you work.
You can contact BTO and speak to the Safeguarding Leads or another trusted member of staff, you can speak to the police, or speak to the NSPCC or Childline.
Safeguarding at BTO
- Email our our trained safeguarding staff in the People Team at
- Speak in confidence to one of our trained safeguarding staff by calling our Safeguarding number: 07521428879.
- Report a safeguarding concern using our Safeguarding Reporting Form.
The police
- In an emergency, call 999.
- If you or the child is not in immediate danger, call 101.
Adults, parents and guardians can speak to the NSPCC about concerns via email or phone.
Visit the NSPCC website to find out more or phone 0808 800 5000.
If you are a young person, you can speak to Childline about anything. No problem is too big or too small.
Visit Childline to contact them online or phone 0800 111.
This policy also includes information for adults, parents and guardians about what to do if a potential safeguarding incident arises and if a child discloses a safeguarding issue to you.
Our Safeguarding Children Policy
The purpose of this policy is to set out our approach and commitment to safeguarding children from harm and abuse.
BTO is committed to creating an inclusive environment. Our activities and events are open to anyone interested in our work, regardless of age, nationality, gender, ethnicity, disability, sexuality and socio-economic status.
- Read our Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity Statement and our Code of Conduct for more information.
Our safeguarding policies and associated procedures apply to all individuals involved in BTO including Board members/Trustees, Staff, Volunteers, Donors and Supporters.
It is important to be aware of the legal framework and rules, however, laws can only go so far. It is possible that offenders are not caught and would not be identified through the DBS/PVG checks. In many ways, the application of good practice is of greater practical import than the legal checks themselves.
The most effective way of improving safeguarding is through everyone having a wide awareness of the potential issues involved, and feeling free to talk about potential concerns and strategies, in combination with having systems and procedures in place, visible, and actively reviewed. Evidence shows that potential abusers are deterred from attempting to engage with young people in organisations/activities where safeguarding procedures are visible and are openly and comfortably discussed.
Responsibilities relating to safeguarding children apply to any charity working with, or coming into contact with, anyone under the age of 18.
Safeguarding Children Policy
There are a number of ways children may engage with BTO:
- As Trainee Ringers
- As Young Advisory Panel (YAP) members
- As Youth Representatives
- As volunteers
- As members
- Through the BTO Youth Blog
- Attending annual Bird Camps
- Attending training online and in-person
- Attending Young Leaders Course
- Attending events
- Through work experience, including survey fieldwork
- Through the Martin Garner Spurn Young Birder Award
- Through the Young Bird Observatory Visitors programme
- Through the What’s Under Your Feet? project
Principles that inform our approach to safeguarding children
- A child is always covered by safeguarding.
- Whilst safety is the primary concern for children it is still important to listen to their views.
- Some children are particularly vulnerable because of previous experiences, their level of dependency, communication needs or other issues.
- Working in partnership with children, their parents, carers and other agencies is essential in promoting welfare.
We will seek to keep children safe by:
- Valuing them, listening to and respecting them.
- Safely recruiting and training any staff or volunteers that we are directing to work with children.
- Providing support and guidance to everyone on safeguarding, including safeguarding children.
- Appointing and training at least two designated safeguarding leads and safeguarding deputies in key areas of BTO (Youth, Ringing and Fundraising).
- Not allowing any person to undertake regulated activity if they are barred from doing so.
- Sharing information about child protection and good practice with staff, volunteers, parents and children.
- Sharing concerns with agencies that need to know, involving parents and children.
- Keeping our policies and procedures under review.
Vetting procedures
- To volunteer with children in England and Wales a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check is required; the DBS also manages the list of unsuitable individuals who should not work with children and young people in England and Wales.
- In Scotland, a Disclosure Scotland check is required and it has an equivalent Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme for identifying individuals who should not work with young people in Scotland.
- In Northern Ireland, an AccessNI check is required and again they manage a list of unsuitable individuals who should not work with young people in NI.
- In the Republic of Ireland, criminal record checks are carried out by the National Vetting Bureau.
Staff and volunteers must:
- Observe this policy, and any specific BTO guidelines for the relevant activity (see further guidance below)
- Ensure that any risk assessment for the activity takes children appropriately into account
- Ensure that any contact with children is appropriate for the activity
- Ensure that there is more than one adult present (within sight or hearing) during activities with children
- Listen to and respect children, treating them fairly and avoiding favouritism
- Use language that is appropriate for children and not offensive or discriminatory
- Respect children’s right to personal privacy
- Report all concerns or allegations of abuse to one of BTO’s Safeguarding Leads by emailing or calling our dedicated Safeguarding mobile number: 07521428879.
Staff and volunteers must not:
- Work with children if they are barred from doing so.
- Work regularly with children (defined as once a week or more, or on 4 or more days in 30, or overnight) without completing the vetting procedures required by law in the country of work.
- Develop inappropriate relationships with children or vulnerable adults.
- Allow concerns or allegations of abuse to go unreported.
- Make promises to children not to report disclosures of abuse.
Parental consent for volunteers under 18 years of age
All volunteers must inform the BTO if they are less than 18 years of age. Parents or guardians of the under-18 will be asked to sign a BTO Parental Consent Form stating that they agree to their child undertaking the activities and have made them aware of the associated risks and measures in place.
- To obtain a paper copy of the parental consent form, contact the Volunteer Health and Safety Officer at BTO on 01842 750050 or email
Safeguarding in Ringing
Ringing Training may involve training children and young people (under-18s) to become Ringers.
- The Safeguarding in Ringing Guidance goes on to describe safeguarding, expectations and systems specifically within the context of Ringing and seeks to stimulate thinking about safeguarding in the Ringing Community.
Safeguarding in our Youth work
The Youth Advisory Panel (YAP) has developed an inclusive and extensive Youth Engagement Strategy, helping BTO inspire the next generation of birdwatchers.
Youth Representatives work on engaging more young people in nature and science in their regions through organising events and working with local communities and stakeholders.
Our youth work extends to engaging with those up to the age of 25, and does therefore involve children and young people under the age of 18, both in the roles outlined and in attending and participating in events and activities.
What to do if a potential safeguarding incident arises
If you have a safeguarding concern, make a written record of it. You can use our Safeguarding Reporting Form. You can also speak in confidence to one of our trained safeguarding staff by calling our Safeguarding number: 07521428879.
Any breaches of this policy must be reported to a BTO Safeguarding Lead by emailing our People Team
Other steps you should take:
- If you have concerns about the behaviour of someone toward a child, or if anyone else accuses you of inappropriate conduct, you must act.
- The person accused should be removed from the situation and not have further contact with any young people until the matter has been investigated and resolved.
- Where possible keep other young people away from any incident.
- Make sure the person in charge is made aware.
- If the emergency services or any other agency are involved, make sure you know what follow-up is expected, if any.
The steps you take will depend on the circumstances.
All allegations have to be investigated, by BTO and potentially also by the police and other agencies. It should be remembered that allegations can cause extreme stress for the individuals involved. Discretion is paramount except for those with a need to know.
If a child discloses a safeguarding issue to you
If a young person wants to talk and discloses something of concern, never promise to keep a secret and always report it to an appropriate professional. Any such disclosures should not become salacious gossip and the individual should be treated with dignity.
Investigating a significant safeguarding concern is not your responsibility. The NSPCC offers a free advice line 0808 800 5000 for adults in this situation.
You should always feel enabled to go directly to the police or social services with any concerns you have.
Volunteers and staff must report all concerns or allegations of abuse to BTO’s Safeguarding Leads by emailing our People Team
If you are a young person, child, parent or guardian and have a concern
If you are a young person yourself (or a parent or guardian), and have concerns about the actions of adults, you need to know that it is fine to bypass your usual volunteer group or the BTO staff member with whom you work.
You can contact BTO and speak to the Safeguarding Leads or another trusted member of staff, you can speak to the police, or speak to the NSPCC or Childline. You can also report a safeguarding concern via our Safeguarding Reporting Form.
BTO’s Safeguarding Leads:
- Andrew Scott and Sian Knott can both be contacted by emailing
The police
- In an emergency, call 999.
- If you or the child is not in immediate danger, call 101.
Adults, parents and guardians can speak to the NSPCC about concerns via email or phone.
Visit the NSPCC website to find out more or phone 0808 800 5000.
If you are a young person, you can speak to Childline about anything. No problem is too big or too small.
Visit Childline to contact them online or phone 0800 111.
What to do if you have a complaint
If you have a complaint about the behaviour of any BTO volunteer or staff member you have come into contact with you, can raise a complaint via our Compliments, Comments and Complaints Policy.
Consequences of breaching BTO Safeguarding Policy and Procedures
- A breach of this policy by an employee may be regarded as a disciplinary offence under BTO’s disciplinary procedures.
- A breach of this policy by a volunteer may be dealt with under BTO’s Compliments, Comments and Complaints policy.
Serious breaches may also result in a referral to a statutory agency including DBS, the police, the local authority social care department and the Independent Safeguarding Authority.
Monitoring our approach to safeguarding
This policy (along with other policies and procedures relating to safeguarding) is reviewed regularly by our Safeguarding Leads and Board of Trustees. Our Safeguarding Policy may also be reviewed in the following circumstances:
- Changes in legislation and/or government guidance in England & Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland;
- As required by the Disclosure & Barring Service, Disclosure Scotland and Access NI or other appropriate regulatory bodies;
- As a result of changes in policy or guidance issued for Charities by the Charity Commission for England and Wales, Scottish Charity Regulator or Charity Commission for Northern Ireland;
- As a result of any other significant change or event.
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