Safeguarding people from harm and abuse

BTO has responsibilities to keep everyone who comes into contact with our work safe from harm. This includes volunteers, staff and beneficiaries, as well as other people who come into contact with us through our work.

Within BTO, safeguarding refers to an approach, and the reasonable steps we can take to safeguard employees, volunteers, beneficiaries and supporters (and others in contact with our work) from harm. 

It is not only about protecting those at risk of harm and abuse, but promoting a positive, supportive and accountable culture that nurtures the general health, safety and wellbeing of all those we work with.

We expect our partner organisations, suppliers and sponsors to adopt and demonstrate their commitment to the principles and practice as set out in this and other safeguarding policy and associated procedures.


Our safeguarding policies and associated procedures apply to all individuals involved in BTO including Board members/Trustees, Staff, Volunteers, Donors and Supporters.


Three principles underpin our safeguarding responsibilities:

  • Safeguarding applies to every charity, not just those dealing with children and adults at risk;
  • Safeguarding concerns the well-being of every person connected to a charity;
  • Safeguarding is the responsibility of every Trustee, not just a designated few.

Our safeguarding responsibilities

  • To identify and manage risks (who BTO works with, where it operates, and what it does);
  • To have suitable policies and practices in place;
  • To carry out necessary checks;
  • To protect volunteers and staff;
  • To handle and report incidents appropriately.

Charities working with children or adults at risk have extra responsibilities. BTO has more rigorous safeguarding policies for these groups:

A safeguarding culture

A strong safeguarding culture means:

  • We protect people;
  • We minimise the risks of any harm or abuse;
  • Everyone has confidence their concerns will be dealt with appropriately;
  • Everyone at the charity understands their role.

You can read more about these responsibilities from the Charity Commission

Reporting a concern

If you have a welfare or safeguarding concern, have witnessed a breach of policy, or would like to tell us about something that has happened while engaging with BTO, please get in touch. We can support you and if appropriate, take action. We handle all enquiries of this nature with sensitivity, and in confidence. You can:

You might also find the following resources useful:

BTO Policies that protect people from harm and abuse

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