Publisher: William Collins, London
Publication Year: 2020
Binding: 1
Page Count: 528
ISBN Number: 9780008112820
Price: £35.00
Like the author, I too spent many a childhood holiday in Pembrokeshire. In those days the five hour drive from the mountains of Snowdonia to the Mediterranean-like coast of Pembrokeshire was well worth it, especially the boat trips to Caldey to see my first Grey Seals. Now in later life I visit Pembrokeshire again mainly to the coast and Islands for the bird life - little realising what other treasures the county has to offer. I am fortunate in having a number of friends in the area who never fail to remind me that there is an awful lot more to Pembrokeshire than birds. Jonathan Mullard has reinforced this and has opened my eyes to what a diverse place Pembrokeshire is. His broad knowledge of natural history and meticulous research really broadened my view of the county and when next I visit there will be a lot more to see than birds.
The historical research I find fascinating, especially the islands. How the military presence has preserved so much, and how the climate differs between north and south. The diversity of the sea life, explained by the sea floor geology and tides, bought back memories of watching Jacques Cousteau, such was the readability of the book.
As a regular contributor to the Pembrokeshire Bird Conference every November, I can now look forwards to discussing some of the more 'off grid' sites, as well as having a better understanding of some of the more popular sites.
Anybody who visits the county ether as a birder or an all-round naturalist will find lots in this volume to educate them and a few new species and places to visit.
Book reviewed by Kelvin Jones
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