Publisher: New Holland, London
Publication Year: 2012
Binding: 1
Page Count: 32
ISBN Number: 978-1-78009-228-7
Price: £9.99
Pelagic Birds of the North Atlantic: An Identification Guide
An innovative little guide, ideal for taking out in the field, or rather on the sea! A small, spiral bound volume, with waterproof paper makes it ideal for having to hand when watching seabirds from the deck. Black and white illustrations grace each page and, although perhaps not the most aesthetically pleasing, these illustrations are drawn by the author who knows the key points to look for – and this knowledge comes out in the annotations. Easily confused species are presented alongside each other for further easy comparison. It is obvious that the author really knows his stuff, and if you are looking for a compact but accurate guide to help sea-watching in the north Atlantic you can’t do better than this.
Book reviewed by Su Gough
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