Publisher: Princeton University Press, Princeton (NJ) & Oxford
Publication Year: 2020
Binding: 1
Page Count: 576
ISBN Number: 9780691199795
Price: £20.00
Britain's Birds: an Identification Guide to the Birds of Great Britain and Ireland
This bird ID guide covers 631 species and includes birds recorded in Britain and Ireland. It is incredibly comprehensive and has a plentiful amount of glossy, detailed photographs which show all the plumages you are likely to see for both common and rare birds. The layout is practical and user-friendly which makes it easy to use and compare species.
It has Species Accounts for each species described which includes English and scientific names, measurements, overview and description, conservation status, legal protection and Irish records, status and distribution map and habitat. This means that the level of description is extensive and there is great potential to learn more about an unfamiliar species from the guide alone. There are also overview pages of how to identify more general groups of birds such as wildfowl, corvids and buntings.
This book, originally published in 2016, has been revised and updated for the second edition to make identification even easier. There are 12 new species recorded plus hundreds of new photos and fully revised species accounts to include the latest information in identification features, status, numbers, range and plumages seen during only part of the year.
It’s a must have for beginners, experienced and professional birders alike.
Book reviewed by Gillian Birtles
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