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Book: The Black Grouse

Publisher: Merlin Unwin, Ludlow

Publication Year: 2012

Binding: 2

Page Count: 223

ISBN Number: 978-1-90612-243-0

Price: £20.00

The Black Grouse


This book (‘the first dedicated to Black Grouse’) is a personal perspective and covers biology, history, the development of sport shooting and associated moorland management in Britain and their influence on Black Grouse. Drawing from literature, people and own experiences, the author makes strong (and for some, controversial) conservation recommendations.

It is a readable perspective on the ideological arguments that hinder conservation in the British uplands but a lack of clarity between sources of information, especially during the early chapters, somewhat muddies his attempts to inform. Although many facts are correct, scientific citations are avoided and so further exploration of some of the more questionable ‘facts’ is not possible. With clearer boundaries between sourced information, personal experience and opinion, his recommendations might have reached a wider audience. A follow up in ten or so years’ time, describing his own management experiences on his family farm in Galloway telling us what worked, what didn’t and why, could prove more persuasive. There should be ample room for exploring his opinions in such a volume and certainly for more of his illustrations.

Book reviewed by John Calladine

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