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A Beginners Guide to Dragonflies and Damselflies (cover)

Publisher: Pisces Publications, Newbury

Publication Year: 2019

Binding: 1

Page Count: 92

ISBN Number: 9781874357957

Price: £8.50

A Beginner's guide to Dragonflies & Damselflies of Britain and Ireland

It isn’t unusual for the avid birder, during the peak of summer when many birds are quieter and less obtrusive, to switch their sights to other fauna. Dragonflies and damselflies, with their aerial abilities and colourful markings, can do a lot to keep the at-a-loss birder entertained in the warmer months. They do, however, require a different set of skills to identify, with new nomenclature to learn and different features to pay attention to.

David Chandler has geared his book A Beginner’s guide to Dragonflies and Damselflies of Britain and Ireland, as you might imagine, towards the beginner. By minimising the rare, localised and unusual species, more attention is paid on the species a dragonfly novice is most likely to encounter on their local patch or skimming across their garden pond. The rarer species do get a mention, useful for those whose local patch might contain a rarer species, but aren’t photographed. 

Although small, the book is packed with information. It is an ideal size for taking in the field, if not quite pocket-sized.

Book reviewed by Robert Jaques

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