Challenge yourself

Fancy challenging yourself and embarking on that demanding walk, climb, cycle, run or swim that you have always wanted to do?

If so, why not do it in aid of BTO and raise funds? It’s a great motivator and will make the experience even more worthwhile, knowing you are supporting work which will inform the conservation of Britain’s birds.

Walk, run, ride or swim for BTO

Whether you are a regular walker, runner, cyclist or swimmer, or a complete beginner, there are lots of opportunities to take part in events and raise money for BTO. Events of all lengths take place throughout the country during the year.

Set up your fundraising

Once you have a place in your event, just contact us and we can then provide you with personalised sponsorship forms and promotional material.

  • You can email fundraising [at] or contact the Fundraising Team on 01842 750050.

You can also set up an online fundraising page at JustGiving, where people can donate an amount of their choosing to your cause. Our JustGiving page is also a great place to get ideas and inspiration from fundraising activities that other BTO supporters have done.

Supporter stories

Browse our supporter stories for ideas and inspiration!

Remember – you can fundraise for BTO in any way that suits you, your interests and your fitness, from epic bike rides to gentler hikes and walks.

Three peaks for Curlews

A group of young wildlife enthusiasts, organised by James Common, editor-in-chief of the youth nature magazine New Nature, tackled the Three Peaks Challenge and trekked 40 km. Together they raised over £2,000 for our work on Curlews (read more in the New Nature article on pages 13-14) and did lots to promote the project and raise awareness too. 

Trekking for Swifts

Georgia Locock raised just a fantastic total, just shy of £3,000, through donations to support her 307 km (191 miles) trek along the North West Way for BTO’s Swift tracking project. It was 11 days of back-to-back walking and although 191 miles may seem a lot, it wasn’t a smidge of the distance Swifts travel in their lifetime. See her JustGiving page here

Cycling Coast to Coast

Justin Garner and Amy Carver cycled coast to coast from  Southport to Hornsea covering 215 miles and raising £200. Despite problems with the weather, punctures and accidents they were determined to finish the challenge and did so in three days. Justin said, “It gave us a massive buzz when we arrived in the seaside town of Hornsea in Yorkshire. We enjoyed the experience so much that we are cycling from Manchester to Paris next year to gather further funds”.

Queen’s Guide Award

17-year-old Steph embarked on a 50-mile walk from Abbotsbury to Brownsea Island with 5 friends, as part of her Queen’s Guide Award. She also decided to use it as an opportunity to raise money to sponsor the House Sparrow in Bird Atlas 2007-11. The group gained an incredible amount of support from friends, family, businesses and organisations along the way, raising £1600. Well done to them all for such a fantastic effort!

Cycling Land’s End to John O’Groats

Flicky and Howard cycled from Land’s End to John O’Groats, following their own leisurely route over 9 weeks, to celebrate Howard’s retirement. They camped along the way, covering 1369 miles of terrific scenery and spotted a total of 128 bird species but as Howard puts it “things did get tricky and sticky but it was the knowledge that so many people were supporting us that kept us pedalling on”. Their efforts raised over £850!

“It was an excellent trip and we enjoyed almost all of it! The knowledge that there were lots of people backing us and willing us on, kept us pedalling.”

Climbing Kilimanjaro

Chris Gunn, Lincolnshire North Regional Representative, set off to climb Kilimanjaro, a feat she had tried to complete many years before, and thought it was also a good way to raise some funds for BTO. She had lots of support and helped raise £280 but unfortunately, due to terrible and persistent rain, was denied the opportunity to conquer the mountain once again.

Chris did however manage to climb Little Meru (12,535 ft) the day before attempting Kili, with as she reports, no problems but little view due to thick cloud. A decision then had to be made – to continue or not for 7 days in a tent with no flysheet and a vast amount of rain? Chris chose the sensible option and was able to enjoy some of her holiday, despite the rain which continued to fall, by going off on safari, spotting 270 species of bird!

We would like to say thank you to Chris for her efforts, and who also offered to reimburse any sponsorship herself so that BTO did not miss out, also to her sponsors for so generously supporting Chris and BTO.

Get in touch

If you are embarking on a challenge or would like to discuss a fundraising idea, we’d love to hear from you and support you! Please get in touch: 

  • Ring our Fundraising Team on 01842 750050
  • Email fundraising [at]

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