Annual Report & Accounts 2023/24

Published: September 2024  

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Our 90th anniversary provided the perfect opportunity to reflect on our rich history, celebrate our achievements and acknowledge all the fantastic people who make BTO such a success.

At a glance: 

  • During 2023—24 there were almost 9,000 downloads of BTO data from NBN Atlas, cumulatively totalling over 400 million records, and used for education, research and commercial purposes.
  • Volunteers contributed 2,102,943 hours to our work in 2023, an increase of 7% compared with 2022 and the equivalent of 1,292 staff years and £42.6 million, an incredible contribution and powerful resource
  • The 2024 Youth Summit, a collaboration between BTO’s Youth Advisory Panel, RSPB’s Youth Council, and WWF-UK’s Youth Ambassadors, empowered and inspired young people and organisations to do more.
  • Thanks to our members, funders and supporters, £6.2 million was spent during the year carrying out, supporting and communicating our ornithological research and delivering engagement.
  • During 2023—24, we received just over £2 million through gifts in Wills, something for which we are phenomenally grateful.
  • Some 8,890 BTO volunteers have contributed to the BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey, which celebrated 30 years of survey visits in 2024 and now covers nearly 4,000 sites annually.

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