Common Sandpiper and the 3,500th square!

06 Aug 2010 Common Sandpiper. Photograph by Steven Carey

If I need an excuse for featuring waders two weeks running, this excellent image that was recently added to the BirdTrack Flickr pool certainly provides one! The Common Sandpiper reporting rate is worth a look; more than 15% of complete lists currently feature this species. In terms of ringing though, Common Sandpiper is anything but common.

Last week BirdTrack records were entered for the 3,500th 10-km square since BirdTrack began in 2004. There are a total of 3,879 10-km squares across Britain and Ireland so BirdTrack has now passed 90% coverage. This year records have already come in from more than 2,560 10-km squares - thank you!

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