Nightingale Tracking Survey 2012-13

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The Nightingale population declined by a staggering 53% between 1995 - 2008 (Breeding Bird Survey Data) and the Bird Atlas 2007-11 indicates that their range is continuing to contract towards the extreme south-east of England, despite massive, local conservation efforts in traditional coppice and scrub habitats.

Thirteen years on from the last dedicated Nightingale Survey it was time to take a closer look at this popular songster and another survey began in 2012. Maintaining high quality habitat in core areas is crucial for the species to survive as a breeding bird in Britain. Our thanks go to Anglian Water for their continuing support for this important project.

Work on the project was started with the proceeds from the BTO Conference raffle of 2010, with prizes generously provided by BirdGuides, Birdwatch Magazine, Bird Watching Magazine, Duncan Baird Publishers, Gardenature, Gardman, NHBS Environment Bookstore, London & Liverpool University Press, Summersdale Publishers Ltd, Swarovski and Vine House Farms. Valuable funds were also donated through Nightingale song CD sales with help from Ernest Charles, NHBS and Wildsounds.

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