Corporate membership
We value the power of working together.
That’s why we developed our Corporate Membership scheme.
The power of working together
The benefits of aligning your company with a highly respected and trusted conservation science organisation:
- Promote your relationship with us and use our logo in your communications.
- Meet your Corporate Social Responsibility objectives, operational targets, brand goals, or wider strategic mission.
- Gain a better understanding of how bird conservation is evolving and the potential impacts, which could help you plan for the future.
- Demonstrate your dedication to being a proactive part of the solution to national and global conservation issues.
- Show your stakeholders that your business is actively supporting conservation and helping to protect the UK’s birds.
- Access our extensive and robust data set to further improve your understanding and inform your decision making.
- Enjoy exclusive talks and insight delivered by leading scientists in the field.
How membership helps us
The support we receive from our Corporate Members helps us deliver our robust science: science that is objective, representative and has a significant real-world impact.
Policy-makers in government, national agencies and other important organisations use our unique, data-driven insight to help them make better decisions.
Your support also helps us engage with thousands of volunteers, members and supporters in more impactful and meaningful ways like funding special events, bespoke training and providing free equipment.
“BTO really values the support it gets from businesses. Working together means we can better inform conservation through rigorous scientific research. We would love you to help us by joining our BTO Corporate Membership Scheme.”
Frank Gardner,
BBC Security Correspondent, Journalist and BTO President
The business benefits
Recognition and PR
- Use of the BTO Corporate Membership logo on your website and stationery
- Acknowledgement of your support on the BTO website and member magazine
- Receive BTO press releases and be kept up-to-date with current issues in bird conservation science
Staff benefits
- Discounted BTO and/or Garden BirdWatch membership for your employees
- Invitations to BTO networking events and special occasions
- Quarterly BTO News and Bird Table Magazine
Corporate benefits
- Access to the expertise of BTO staff who can advise on how to improve the environmental impact of your business, make your site/offices more bird friendly, and staff involvement opportunities
- Talk by a BTO expert for staff or stakeholders
- Course offers for your employees
“We recognised all the hard work of BTO, and we’re delighted to support an organisation whose values align with that of our business. ”
The Grass People
How the scheme works
Review and choose which type of Corporate Membership best suits your business needs and goals: Gold, Silver or Bronze. Each type of membership comes with a different price point and valuable range of benefits.
1. Apply
Fill in the short form below and we'll contact you to discuss your application.
2. Enjoy
Enjoy all the business and staff benefits for a year.
3. Renew
Renew your membership or upgrade.
Complete the short form below - we’re looking forward to hearing from you.
You can also get in touch directly at or 01842 750050 if you have any queries before filling out the form.
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