Bank Vole

Myodes glareolus

Bank Voles are easily confused with Field Voles. They are larger than Field Voles, measuring about 13 to 17 cm long. They have small eyes, small ears and a blunt snout. Adult Bank Voles have a rich chestnut-brown back compared to the grey-brown fur of the Field Vole. They also have a much longer tail than the Field Vole.

Bank Voles prefer deciduous woodland, but use many other habitats including gardens as long as there is thick ground cover. They nest in underground burrows.

Bank Voles generally forage during dawn and dusk. They eat berries, seeds, leaves and some insects, and though they are mostly found on the ground, they will climb for hedgerow fruits.

They breed between March and October, having 5-6 litters with 4-5 young in each. The breeding period sometimes extends into the winter if there is enough food.

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