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It is BTO’s policy to make public the results of our research. Our aim is to publish as much as possible of our work in the peer reviewed scientific literature.  Many results are also published in our BTO Research Report series.

Hill, D.A. 1989. Manipulating water habitats to optimise wader and wildfowl populations. Book title: Biological Habitat Reconstruction. Belhaven Press, London. : 328-343
Hill, D.A. 1989. Population dynamics of wildfowl. Book title: The New Wildfowler. Stanley Paul, London. : 49-59
Hill, D.A. & Makepeace, P. 1989. Populations trends in bird species at Dungeness, Kent. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 101 Book title: The ecology of Dungeness. : 137-151 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1111/j.1095-8339.1989.tb00143.x)
Hill, D.A., Garson, P.T. & Jenkins, D. (eds) 1989. Pheasants in Asia: China 1989. Book title: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium of the World Pheasant Association- Beijing, October 1989. World Pheasant Asssociation, Reading, Berks, UK.
Kirby, J.S. & Tubbs, C.R. 1989. Wader populations in the Solent 1970/71 to 1987/88. Hampshire Bird Report 1 988 : 83-104
Kirby, J.S., Kirby, K.K. & Woolfall, S.J. 1989. Curlew Sandpipers in Britain and Ireland in autumn 1988. British Birds 82 : 399-409
Madders, M. & Moser, M. 1989. Coastal waders in winter on Tiree and Coll. Book title: The Birds of Coll and Tiree: Status, Habitats and Conservation. NCC/SOC, Edinburgh. : 67-74
Mead, C.J. & Clark, J.A. 1989. Report on bird ringing for Britain and Ireland for 1988. Ringing & Migration 10 : 159-196 View Abstract
Moser, M.E. & Prŷs-Jones, R.P. 1989. Waders [Chapter 16]. Book title: 1990 North Sea Report The Marine Forum for Environmental Issues. London. : 111-115
O'Brien, M. & Buckingham, D.A. 1989. Survey of breeding waders on grassland within the Broads Environmentally Sensitive Area in 1988. Unpublished RSPB Research Department Report
Parrinder, E.R. 1989. Little Ringed Plovers Charadrius dubius in Britain in 1984. Bird Study 36 : 147-153 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063658909477019)
Peach, W.J. 1989. Aspects of communal roosting in Starlings Sturnus vulgaris. Unpublished PhD thesis, CNAA Leicester Polytechnic
Peach, W.J. & Fowler, J.A. 1989. Movements of wing-tagged Starlings Sturnus vulgaris from an urban communal roost in winter. Bird Study 36 : 16-22 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063658909476997)
Peach, W.J., Fowler, J.A. & Hay, J. 1989. Incidence of Toxoplasma infection in a population of European starlings Sturnus vulgaris from Central England. Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology 83 : 173-177
Peach, W.J., Fowler, J.A. & Hay, J. 1989. Serological and parasitological examination in European starlings. Development and Comparative Immunology 13 View Abstract
Prŷs-Jones, R.P. & Kirby, J.S. 1989. The Birds of Estuaries Enquiry - some results from the 1988/89 winter. Wader Study Group Bulletin 57 : 45-46 View Abstract
Rogers, M.J. and the Rarities Committee (including J.H. Marchant) 1989. Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1988. British Birds 82 : 505-563
Thompson, P.S. 1989. The Argyll Garden Bird Survey. Book title: The Fifth Argyll Bird Report. : 36-39
Thompson, P.S. & Hale, W.G. 1989. Breeding site fidelity and natal philopatry in the Redshank Tringa totanus. Ibis 131 : 214-224 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1111/j.1474-919X.1989.tb02764.x)
Thompson, P.S., Thompson, M.L.P. & Thompson, D.B.A. 1989. Cliff nesting Merlins in north-west Sutherland. Scottish Birds 15 : 183-184
Mead, C.J. 1988. Counting the rings. Country Life : 140-141
Baker, J.K. 1988. Identification of Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler. British Birds 81 : 645-646
Baker, J.K. 1988. Identification of Siberian and other forms of Lesser Whitethroat. British Birds 81 : 382-390
Brown, C.R. & Prŷs-Jones, R.P. 1988. Development of homeothermy in chicks of sub-antarctic burrowing petrels. South African Journal of Zoology 23 : 288-294
Carter, S.P. 1988. Studies of the Goosander. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Durham
Clark, N.A., Clark, J.A. & Ireland, P.L. 1988. Recent recoveries of waders ringed in Britain and Ireland. Wader Study Group Bulletin 52 : 37-43 View Abstract
Clark, N.A., Clark, J.A. & Ireland, P.L. 1988. Recent recoveries of waders ringed in Britain and Ireland. Wader Study Group Bulletin 55 : 38-41 View Abstract
Clark, N.A., Clark, J.A. & Ireland, P.L. 1988. Recent recoveries of waders ringed in Britain and Ireland. Wader Study Group Bulletin 53 : 26-31 View Abstract
Crick, H.Q.P. 1988. Points of view. Tauraco 1 : 148-151
Davis, T.J. 1988. Texts on all tit species. Book title: Tetrad Atlas of the Breeding Birds in Devon Devon Bird Watching & Preservation Society, Exeter : 232-243
Fuller, R.J. 1988. A comparison of breeding bird assemblages in two Buckinghamshire clay vale woods with different histories of management. Research & Survey in Nature Conservation 15 Book title: Woodland Conservation and Research in the Clay Vale of Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire : 53-65
Fuller, R.J. & Tucker, G.M. 1988. A strategy for research on effects of agricultural practices on farmland bird populations. Book title: The Boxworth Project & Subsequent Studies. Topic Review. MAFF, National Agricultural Centre, Stoneleigh. : 105-115
Glue, D.E. 1988. The impact of the severe storm of 16 October 1987 on Britain's bird life. Journal of Meteorology 12 : 338-339
Greenwood, J.J.D. & Greenwood, J.G. 1988. Soapbox: data analysis in A-Level Biology. Journal of Biological Education 22 : 107-109
Hill, D. & Robertson, P. 1988. The Pheasant: Ecology, Management and Conservation. BSP Professional Books, Oxford
Kirby, J.S. 1988. Westerly movement of Buckinghamshire Ringed Plovers. Buckinghamshire Bird Report 1987 : 3-4
Kirby, J.S. & Tubbs, C.R. 1988. Wader populations in the Solent 1970/71 to 1987/88. Hampshire Bird Report 1988 : 83-104
Kirby, J.S., Cross, S., Taylor, J.E. & Wolfenden, I.H. 1988. The distribution and abundance of waders wintering on the Alt Estuary, Merseyside. Wader Study Group Bulletin 54 : 23-28 View Abstract
Lack, P.C. 1988. Buckinghamshire Bird Report for 1986. Buckinghamshire Bird Club, Burnham
Lack, P.C. 1988. Hedge intersections and breeding bird distribution in farmland. Bird Study 35 : 133-136 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063658809480390)
Lack, P.C. 1988. Nesting success of birds in trees and shrubs in farmland hedges. Ecological Bulletin 39 Book title: Ecological implications of contemporary agriculture (Proceedings of 4th European Ecology Symposium). : 191-193
Lack, P.C. & Knight, J. (eds) 1988. Buckinghamshire Bird Report for 1985. Buckinghamshire Bird Club, Burnham
