Donate when you shop online

There are lots of ways to donate or raise money for us every time you shop online.

You can also support our work by shopping with us. Browse our range of books, guides, clothing, bags, ringing supplies and gifts in the BTO shop >

eBay – donate when you buy and sell

Donate when you buy 

When using PayPal to pay for your items on eBay, you also have the option to add a small donation to your preferred charity, regardless of whether the item originally sold for charity. 

  • Visit our page on eBay and add us to your favourites, then add a donation for us whenever you’re at the checkout.

Donate when you sell

If you sell items on eBay, you can also choose to make a donation to us as part of the sale price.

Use JustGiving to donate or raise funds

Whether you make a one-off donation or raise funds by taking part in a sponsored event, your support will help us to protect birds and nature for many years to come.

  • Visit our JustGiving page and join thousands of people who are making a difference to our work.

PayPal – donate directly or at the checkout

There are a couple of different ways you can use PayPal to support our work and protect the birds and nature we all love.

Recycle ink cartridges

Help the environment and raise money for us by recycling your ink cartridges (but not toner or laser cartridges).

  • Recycle your ink cartridges for free by requesting some envelopes on our Recycle 4 British Trust for Ornithology page.
  • We also have a small supply of envelopes in our Head Office at Thetford that you can request by contacting the Fundraising Team on 01842 750050 or by email at fundraising [at] (fundraising)rachel.gostling [at] (

Give as you Live – donate for free

Give as you Live works with more than 3,000 retailers including Boots, Sainsbury’s, Apple, Marks & Spencer, John Lewis and WHSmith to turn a percentage of every penny you spend online into a donation for us.

Whoever you buy from makes the donation on your behalf – it won’t cost you a penny.


Amazon used to donate a percentage of the purchase price of eligible products to us, but they have now formally ended their AmazonSmile initiative.

We’re currently considering other ways for people to support us through Amazon and will update this page in due course.

If we were your chosen charity in Amazon, thank you for your support.

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