Western Black-eared Wheatear

Oenanthe hispanica (Linnaeus, 1758) WBEWH 11481
Family: Passeriformes > Muscicapidae

Western Black-eared Wheatear, Yoav Perlman

Western Black-eared Wheatear breeds in Iberia, southern France and northern parts of Italy, and winters in central and west Africa, south of the Sahara.

Split from Eastern Black-eared Wheatear in 2019, following the publication of a study published the previous year, this is a rare vagrant to Britain and even rare one to Ireland.

Select a topic for more facts and statistics about the Western Black-eared Wheatear

  • Breeding
  • Winter
50 records observations recorded by BTO surveyors
50 records



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Status and Trends

Population size and trends and patterns of distribution based on BTO surveys and atlases with data collected by BTO volunteers.


This species can be found on the following statutory and conservation listings and schedules.


We have no population estimates for this scarce species.


Information about movement and migration based on online bird portals (e.g. BirdTrack), Ringing schemes and tracking studies.


View a summary of recoveries in the Online Ringing Report.


Lifecycle and body size information about Western Black-eared Wheatear, including statistics on nesting, eggs and lifespan based on BTO ringing and nest recording data.


Sample sizes are too small to report Productivity and Nesting statistics for this species.


For information in another language (where available) click on a linked name

Czech: bělořit okrový
Danish: Vestlig Middelhavsstenpikker
Dutch: Westelijke Blonde Tapuit
French: Traquet oreillard
German: Maurensteinschmätzer
Icelandic: Jörfadepill
Italian: Monachella occidentale
Norwegian: middelhavssteinskvett
Polish: białorzytka rdzawa
Portuguese: Chasco-ruivo-ocidental
Slovak: skaliarik okrový
Slovenian: Zahodni sredozemski kupčar
Swedish: västlig medelhavsstenskvätta

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