Common Rosefinch

Carpodacus erythrinus (Pallas, 1770) SQ SCARO 16790
Family: Passeriformes > Fringillidae

Common Rosefinch, Jacob Davies

Most encounters with this rare visitor to Britain & Ireland will not meet the colourful expectations of the bird’s name, with scarce autumn migrants looking plain and brown.

Pinkish-red singing males have been found very occasionally in the UK, with the first recorded breeding in 1982 in the Highlands of Scotland. The species has bred irregularly since then with Bird Atlas 2007-11 recording possible breeding from around 25 locations, mainly in Scotland.

The Common Rosefinch is most regular as an autumn visitor in the Northern Isles, with birds regularly spending a few weeks in Shetland, and especially on Fair Isle. When studied in their first winter plumage, they are subtly streaked and have an attractive beady black eye.

Select a topic for more facts and statistics about the Common Rosefinch

  • Breeding
  • Winter


Common Rosefinch identification is sometimes difficult.


Listen to example recordings of the main vocalisations of Common Rosefinch, provided by xeno-canto contributors.


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Status and Trends

Population size and trends and patterns of distribution based on BTO surveys and atlases with data collected by BTO volunteers.


This species can be found on the following statutory and conservation listings and schedules.



Common Rosefinches are sporadic breeders, with the first breeding record being as recent as 1982

Occupied 10-km squares in UK

European Distribution Map

European Breeding Bird Atlas 2



Common Rosefinch is a rare passage migrant, with some birds holding territory in late spring, and passage of juveniles in September and October.

Weekly occurence of Common Rosefinch from BirdTrack
Weekly occurrence patterns (shaded cells) and reporting rates (vertical bars) based on BirdTrack data. Reporting rates give the likelihood of encountering the species each week.


Information about movement and migration based on online bird portals (e.g. BirdTrack), Ringing schemes and tracking studies.


View a summary of recoveries in the Online Ringing Report.

Foreign locations of birds ringed or recovered in Britain & Ireland

Foreign locations of Common Rosefinch ringed or recovered in Britain & Ireland
Encountered in: Winter (Nov-Feb); Spring (Mar-Apr); Summer (May-Jul); Autumn (Aug-Oct)


Lifecycle and body size information about Common Rosefinch, including statistics on nesting, eggs and lifespan based on BTO ringing and nest recording data.



Feather measurements and photos on featherbase


For information in another language (where available) click on a linked name

Welsh: Llinos Goch
Catalan: pinsà carminat
Czech: hýl rudý
Danish: Karmindompap
Dutch: Roodmus
Estonian: karmiinleevike
Finnish: punavarpunen
French: Roselin cramoisi
German: Karmingimpel
Hungarian: karmazsinpirók
Icelandic: Rósafinka
Irish: Rósghlasán Coiteann
Italian: Ciuffolotto scarlatto
Latvian: mazais svilpis
Lithuanian: raudongalve sniegena
Norwegian: Rosenfink
Polish: dziwonia (zwyczajna)
Portuguese: peito-carmim
Slovak: cervenák karmínový
Slovenian: škrlatec
Spanish: Camachuelo carminoso
Swedish: rosenfink

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