NRS Mentoring
If you’d like help getting started with nest recording, or looking for guidance on finding and monitoring nests of particular species or in a particular habitat, you can contact a Nest Record Scheme mentor.
A mentor is an experienced nest recorder who can meet you in the field, usually where they do their own nest recording, to give you advice and training in things like methods of finding nests, following the Code of Conduct, what to record and how to use the various status codes and habitat codes.
You can arrange to meet a mentor once for an hour or two, more than once for regular training depending on their availability, or you can simply have a conversation with them over email, phone or video.

How to contact a mentor
You need to sign up to take part in the Nest Record Scheme before contacting a mentor.
After signing up, log in to My BTO to see a map of available mentors by selecting the menu item ‘Nest Record Mentors Map’ near the bottom-left-hand corner of the screen, or visit it directly from this page.
Use the map to find a mentor who is in a suitable location for you, bearing in mind you may be travelling to them. Select the mentor to find out what sort of guidance they offer; finally, press a button to send them a request. Usually, a mentor will respond within two weeks and then you can arrange between you to meet or have a conversation.
Note that if you are under 18 years old you should not use the map to contact a mentor. Please contact us instead.
Visit our NRS Mentoring FAQs for more information about mentoring. If you have further questions please feel free to contact us.
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