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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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Cores blimey - he's on his way!

08 May 2024

Cuach Cores has finally left France! After spending several days south of the city of Bourges, he has headed approximately 553km (343 miles) north-west to the Brittany coast.

From here, he seems to be heading towards Cornwall, where he could make brief landfall before continuing his journey - or will he veer off to the west and take a more direct route across the Celtic Sea to Ireland?

Cuach Torc catches up with Killarney cohort KP

02 May 2024

After several days in the Finistère area of Brittany, Cuach Torc has now left north-western France and has made his way to south-west Ireland.

His journey of approximately 550km (341 miles), saw him taking a direct route across the Celtic Sea, past the Isles of Scilly and Bishop’s Rock lighthouse, and into Killarney National Park, where he joins Cuckoo cohort KP!

Sayaan swoops into Sussex

01 May 2024

Since our last update two days ago, Sayaan has covered the last 385km (239 miles) to his summer residence in West Sussex. Making a direct flight north east, he cut across Normandy before crossing The Channel and arriving in the UK near Worthing.

He is currently back at the Knepp Estate, where he was originally tagged. Since leaving the UK on 19 June 2023 Sayaan has taken a wide circular route which has seen him pass through a remarkable 21 countries!   

Cuach Cores still in France

01 May 2024

After a relatively brief stop on the Algerian / Tunisian border, Cores took a direct route of around 850km (528 miles) across the Mediterranean, arriving in southern France near the town of Montpellier.

He has continued a further 450km (280 miles) north and is now in central France, preparing for the last leg of his journey. When will he join KP in Ireland?

Killarney return for KP

01 May 2024

KP finally made landfall on the southern coast of Ireland, just to the south of Dungarvan in County Waterford.

After a short while he headed west through County Cork and is now in Killarney National Park, County Kerry, where he was originally tagged on 17 May 2023.

Joe tours the Brecks

01 May 2024

Since arriving in Breckland, Norfolk three days ago, Joe has been touring around the Thetford Forest area and is currently exploring the fields and hedgerows roughly 10km south east of Downham Market.

KP heads for Ireland

29 Apr 2024

Rather than following a more land-based route, KP suddenly left northern Spain and set off due north, crossing the Bay of Biscay and continuing his flight over water, covering some 1,090 km (677 miles)!

Skirting past the Isles of Scilly and pushing north, at the time of his last signal KP was just 70km (43 miles) from the south east coast of Ireland. Once he makes landfall will he head straight to Killarney National Park, where he was tagged on 17 May last year?

Trent's true travels

29 Apr 2024

With a little encouragement from the southerly winds moving up through the continent, Trent powered north covering around 1,068km (663 miles) over the weekend.

Ater crossing the Channel he spent some time in Somerset before moving north again and is currently in the Malverns in Worcestershire. He is around 1km (.6 mile) away from where he was originally caught and tagged in May 2023!

Joe heads 'home'

29 Apr 2024

Demonstrating just how site-faithful these Cuckoos can be, Joe has arrived back in the Brecklands in  Norfolk, less than 20km (12 miles) from where he was tagged in early summer 2022. He is just five days later than his return to the same area in 2023.

Since leaving the Bordeaux region a few days ago, he has covered around 950km (590 miles), flying due north, crossing the Channel close to Bayeux and hitting UK soil around Bognor Regis.

Sayaan surges on

29 Apr 2024

Sayaan has now crossed from Spain into France and is currently near the small picturesque town of La Gacilly, in Brittany.  

He avoided a Pyranees crossing, taking a direct route from the north Spanish coast across the Bay of Biscay and arriving in the Parc Naturel Régional de Brière, by the Loire estuary, covering some 656km (407 miles).


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