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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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Chester moves east

14 Nov 2014

Early yesterday evening we received signals from Chester's tag to show that he had moved further east and south, leaving Ivory Coast and crossing over into Ghana. He is now close to Lake Volta, an area we have seen the Cuckoos use before, although previously this is normally on their spring migration as they head north to return to the UK. 

Fred in Cameroon

29 Oct 2014

Yesterday evening and early this morning we received signals from Fred's tag showing that he was on the move and was finally travelling south towards the Congo rainforest. The last location received shows he stopped in Cameroon, having travelled 1030km (640 miles).

Jake moves to Congo rainforest

28 Oct 2014

Jake has left Cameroon and made it to the Congo rainforest in Democratic Republic of Congo a further 1650km (1020 miles) south-east. He is now in the swamp forests close to Lake Tumba. 

Chris in Congo

21 Oct 2014

Chris is once again in Congo in the swamp forests in which he has spent previous winters. He made the journey over the 15 and 16 October to reach the Central African Republic, continuing on to Congo and reaching his current location, close to the Site Lac Tele- Likouala Aux Herbes, on 18 October.  Last year, he left the area at the beginning of December, having only spent one month there, and travelled even further south to reach Angola, where Skinner also spent the winter. Skinner has recently returned to Angola this year and we will have to wait and see whether Chris stays in the swamp forests or once again moves further south to join him. 

Skinner returns to Angola

20 Oct 2014

By the 12 October Skinner had moved south to Congo and by the 17 he was in Angola, close to the area he spent last winter. He is slightly further east than last year and is just north of the Reserva Especial do Milando. It waits to be seen whether Chris or any of the other Cuckoos will join him here this year.

Stanley in swamp forest

21 Oct 2014

Stanley has left the Congo and skipped over the border into the swamp forest within the Democratic Republic of Congo’ s Tumba Lediima Natural Reserve. 

Chester in Ivory Coast

21 Oct 2014

In the last few days, Chester has moved 445km (275 miles) south from his location in the north of Burkina Faso and he is now in Ivory Coast. He is still very far west of all the other Cuckoos so it is perhaps a little surprising that he has chosen to move south rather than east. He has, however, moved to Comoé National Park , a World Heritage Site due to the diversity of plant life present around the Comoé River including pristine patches of tropical rain forest that are usually only found further south. 

Ash leaves Central African Republic

08 Oct 2014

Having been in Central African Republic until 4 October, by the 6 Ash was 340 km (210 miles) further south in the north-east of Democratic Republic of Congo. He is now just 40km (25 miles) to the east of Dudley's location.  

Hennah on the move

06 Oct 2014

From Chad, Hennah appears to have moved south to Central African Republic by early on the morning of the 1 October. Several poor quality locations were received which aren't shown on the map. Since then he has travelled 990km (615 miles) further to Democratic Republic of Congo, south of the equator, and is one of the most southerly Cuckoos. Hopefully good quality signals will be received shortly to show this new location on the maps. 

Waller heads to rainforest

02 Oct 2014

Since the 28 September Waller has been moving south, reaching Central African Republic by 29 September and continuing on to the Democratic Republic of Congo by the 1 October. He has travelled 1170km (725 miles) since 28  September and has now joined other Cuckoos in the Congo rainforest.


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