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Disco Tony in Gabon

19 Nov 2015

As predicted, Disco Tony has continued his journey south. On the 11 November we recieved a series of confusing locations for him, some good, some poor. When all this information had been analysed he was put firmly in Gabon, 840km (520 miles) south east of his last location in Cameroon.

Larry in Angola

19 Nov 2015

Having reported on 5 November that Larry was settled in DRC he promptly moved overnight. During the early hours of 6 November we received several locations from him that showed he had moved 682km (424 miles) south west into Angola. He didn't stay here very long, and by 11 November had moved another 308km (191 miles) west. He is currently in northern Angola, 46km (29 miles) from the South Atlantic coast.

Vigilamus still in the swamp forest

05 Nov 2015

Vigilamus is still in the area of swamp forest that he arrived in during early October. Locations receved from him on 4 November show him to be alive and well.

Stanley settled in the rainforest

05 Nov 2015

A location received from Stanley on 4 November showed him settled close to the Tumba Lediima Natural Reserve, DRC, and close to the area he arrived in at the end of September.

Peckham still in Gabon

05 Nov 2015

A location received on 26 October showed that Peckham was still in Gabon and in the area he first arrived in on 3 October. It will be interesting to see where he goes from here as non of our tagged Cuckoos have spent the winter in Gabon before.

Larry settled in the rainforest

05 Nov 2015

A location received from Larry on 3 November shows that he is settled close to Lake Mai, in DRC. He may well stay here for the next couple of months, only time will tell.

Still no news from Hennah

05 Nov 2015

Even though we haven't heard from Hennah for a while now we still don't want to write him off, and hope that his tag will once again spring back into life.

Things are not looking good for Dudley

05 Nov 2015

We are still receiving locations for Dudley but the data shows that his temperature is fluctuating, suggesting that we have lost him and that his tag, whilst still charging, is reflecting the ups and downs in the daily temperature rather than Dudley's body temperature.

Disco Tony moves south

05 Nov 2015

A location received from Disco Tony on 4 November placed him on the northern edge of the rainforest, in Cameroon. We would expect him to move further south into the rainforest during the next few weeks.

David settled

05 Nov 2015

A location received from David during the afternoon of 27 October showed that he was still settled in the area of the rainfrest in DRC that he arrived in on 13 October.


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