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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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No news from David

20 Jan 2016

We haven't heard anything from David since mid-December when he was located in southern DRC. We are not too concerned at this stage as Cuckoos often go missing for a few weeks only to pop up again. Hopefully, David is feeding up in preparation for a northward movement.

Coo has moved north

20 Jan 2016

Coo has moved north and is now 400km (250 miles) north-west of his mid-winter location in the DRC. He is currently just north of Lac Tumba and will be preparing for his next move north and west and the beginning of his long journey back to the UK.

Coo settled on southern edge of rainforest

18 Dec 2015

A location received from Coo during the early morning of 16 December showed him settled on the southern edge of the rainfrest, in the area that he has spent the early part of the winter.

David moves south

18 Dec 2015

David is still in DRC but has moved 228km (141 miles) south within the rainforest. Larry is the only tagged Cuckoo further south than David.

Vigilamus close to Lac Mai, Congo

18 Dec 2015

Vigilamus is currently 81km (50 miles) east of Lac Mai, DRC, an area where several Cuckoos have spent the winter previously.

Stanley heads south

18 Dec 2015

A location received in the early evening of 17 December showed that Stanley had undertaken a short 42km (26 miles) flight south west. He is still on the southern edge of the Congo rainforest.

Larry still in Angola

18 Dec 2015

A location received from Larry on the 16 December showed that he was still settled in Angola.

Disco Tony moves south

18 Dec 2015

In the last few days of November Disco Tony headed south into Congo, he is currently 237km (148 miles) south west of his previous position in Gabon. Might this be his final mid-winter location or will he move again? Only time will tell.

We have lost Charlie

18 Dec 2015

Although we are still receiving locations from Charlies tag, the latest was received at 07.45 on 18 December, he hasn't moved from the Sahara desert in central Chad since mid-September. We have to assume that he failed to successfully cross the desert and that his tag is still able to take a charge and keep on working.

Coo heads south

23 Nov 2015

Coo was on the move again over the weekend, and by Sunday evening was 120km south west of his location on Friday evening. He is now much closer to the southern edge of the rainforest and only Larry (in Angola) is further south. It will be interesting to see if he heads any further south during the next week or so.


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