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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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Chance arrives in Africa

15 Aug 2012
From his unconfirmed postion in Austria, Chance has made his move to Africa! On the 10 August another unconfirmed location showed him in the very north of Niger, just south of the border with Libya, 2710km (1,685miles) away and almost smack bang in the middle of the Sahara Desert.  
The next series of locations show that he had carried on south another 1,142 km (710 miles) towards Nigeria. He stopped just short of the border, instead turning east 380 km (240 miles) towards Lake Chad and over north-eastern Nigeria from this direction. By early morning on 13 August he was around 130 km (80 miles) west of Lake Chad and around 220km (138 miles) southwest from Chris.
A further unconfirmed transmission from Chance's tag yesterday morning (15 August) shows he carried on into Chad. We received a signal placing him 45km (29 miles) from the Lake and 87km (54miles) from Chris.

Lyster yet to move on

09 Aug 2012

We received several locations for Lyster yesterday (8 August) and all show him in the same part of the desert in Mauritania that he was resident in overnight 5/6 August. The fact that he remains in what appears to be a very barren part of the desert is certainly worrying but the best quality locations received on the morning of 6 August and afternoon of 8 August show that he is definitely moving around the area. Perhaps he has found a surprisingly good food source in the very sparse vegetation in the area? Or perhaps he is too weak to move on? When his tag resumes transmissions tomorrow evening (10 August) we should have a better idea of what is going on with Lyster.

Roy moves east

09 Aug 2012

From Austria to Italy and then back to Austria! Having been briefly in Italy, Roy moved back into Austria by 1 August and was again a few kms north of Millstätter See. Yesterday evening we received a single unconfirmed location that put Roy in Croatia. If confirmed, it would appear that he is following David and, presumably, BB by taking a route east of the Adriatic Sea. 

Chance moves to Austria

07 Aug 2012

On 31 July Chance was still at his location south of Berlin but by Sunday 5 August unconfirmed signals (which won't update on the map) suggest he had moved to a new location 557km (346 miles) to the SE in Austria. This places him in hill-country with extensive forest patches 36km (22 miles) north of Graz. Given the amount of time he spent near Berlin, Chance may not spend too much time preparing for onward migration here.

Wallace still in Germany

07 Aug 2012

Wallace is still in south-western Germany but by the morning of Friday 3 August he had moved approximately 95km (63 miles) ENE to a similar forested landscape.

Lyster still to complete desert crossing

07 Aug 2012

A series of locations spanning the period from the early hours to mid-morning yesterday (Monday 6 July) all placed Lyster in the desert of southern Mauritania. He did not appear to move significantly during this but had progressed 570km (353 miles) SSW from his previous position late on 3 August. We would have expected Lyster to be continuing his migration during the hours of darkness, rather than stopping here, as this location is still a fair way into the desert and there does not appear to be much vegetation in the area. The temperature of his tag did not indicate any cause for concern but we should have more information tomorrow (Wednesday) about how Lyster is faring and whether he has completed the last leg of the desert crossing.

Iolo reaches Africa

07 Aug 2012

Iolo has become the fifth of our Cuckoos to make it to Africa! From his unconfirmed position near Selvena on the 3 August he has travelled 1,600 km (995 miles) SSE, flying over the Mediterannean Sea to Libya. According to unconfirmed locations he appeared to make landfall mid-morning on Sunday 5 August, east of Tripoli. He then continued on this heading for another 308km (191 miles) during the day and the last location received shows him in the district of Al Jafrah, central Libya. We expect he will continue to press on in a more or less continuous desert crossing from here.

Iolo moves south

03 Aug 2012

After a period of silence from Iolo, locations received on the morning of 3 August show that he moved around 320km (200 miles) in a southerly direction from his position near Milan. The map shows a location just off the coast but unconfirmed locations show that he made landfall near Talmone, just south of this earlier location, and a further signal indicates he then went inland and north-east around 50km (30 miles). He is close to Selvena, a small hill-town in southern Tuscany, Italy.

Lyster makes it to Africa

02 Aug 2012

On the afternoon of the 29 July Lyster was still transmitting from Catalonia, around 130 km (80 miles) west of Barcelona. Around 3am on the morning of 1 August we received an unconfirmed location which placed him travelling south over the Balearic Sea and, a matter of hours later, a signal showed that he had made land in Algeria. This last transmission placed him right on the coast, close to Sidi Ghiles, a town and commune in Tipaza Province in northern Algeria. It looks like he travelled around 570km (350 miles).

Locations received do not reveal whether he crossed straight from his position near Barcelona or whether he travelled down through Spain to minimise the sea crossing, or possibly even rested briefly on one of the Balearic Islands as he crossed over.  

Idemili - to tag or not to tag?

01 Aug 2012

Idemili was tagged on the 10 June and, once a name had been decided on with the funders of her tag, we announced Idemili’s recruitment to the ranks of the Cuckoo project on the 11 July. It was only days after this announcement, having just left Wales, that Idemili was found in a garden in Surrey in need of help, malnourished and having suffered an attack from other birds.

Idemili not long after she was first
taken in to Wildlife Aid. 

Idemili was taken to the Widlife Aid hospital in Leatherhead and has been making good progress. Staff at both BTO and Wildlife Aid are elated with how far she has come, she has put on weight and has now reached 116g, almost 60% heavier than when she was brought in!

She has completed the regrowing of her missing wing feathers and has approximately 5cm left to grow on her tail. Her eye has not fully recovered and the vet who has looked at her has told Wildlife Aid that she has a damaged pupil and that she does not have 100% vision in that eye. However, she is perfectly able to pick caterpillars from leaves in her outdoor aviary so will be able to find food for herself. Wildlife Aid have done a fantastic job of rehabilitating her which has meant that we have had to start thinking about her release.

We were able to follow her movements for a month or so when she was in Wales before moving to Surrey. The terrible weather in Wales will have made it difficult for her to find food and no doubt contributed to the state she was found in after being attacked by other birds. She is now heavier than she was when she was first tagged, however, she will need to readjust to finding her own food, coping with the conditions in the real world and the physically challenging demands of migration. Adult Cuckoos are rarely found in the UK in August and most of our tagged males are now either staging in areas to the south of Switzerland or have crossed the Sahara. While a few females may still be in the UK and won’t have embarked on migration yet, Idemili was obviously ready to set off and is now quite far behind schedule.

Idemili, having gained weight and regrown
feathers, on a trial flight around the office
at Wildlife Aid

Now that she is back to health we have had to think about whether it is both scientifically and ethically right to reattach the tag to a rehabilitated bird who has already been through such a tough time, and has yet to make it to Africa and the crossing of the Sahara Desert. Whilst it would be very interesting to be able to track a rehabilitated bird, both for science and to gather information for those who invest time in the rehabilitation of individuals, we felt this wasn't appropriate. Whether translocated to staging areas in southern Europe (or straight to Africa) by Wildlife Aid or not, Idemili’s unusual few months and the fact that her journey has been delayed while she recovers will no doubt affect the validity of the science that we gather from tracking her. Would the experience affect what she does in the coming months or would it be typical of female Cuckoos?

With all these factors in mind, we have decided that she will not be tagged. We are understandably disappointed that we were only able to track such a small part of her journey and that we will not be able to track her further, as I am sure that many Cuckoo sponsors and supporters will also be, but we have to put Idemili’s welfare first and give her the best start in what will be a long journey to her winter destination.

In around another week or so her tail feathers should be fully regrown and Wildlife Aid will make a decision about where to release her. We will keep you updated on her blog with any news. To find out more about Wildlife Aid visit their website here or make a donation here – and don’t forget to mention Idemili in the comments box!

If you would like to follow one of our Cuckoos, sponsor your favourite here.


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