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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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No change from Chris

23 Nov 2012

Chris is still settled close to the Ubangi river, transmissions from yesterday afternoon indicate. He has been in this area for nearly two months now.

David still the most southerly Cuckoo

23 Nov 2012

David is still in the same place within Democratic Republic of Congo that he has been in since 24 October and is still the most southerly of all the Cuckoos. We received transmissions from his tag yesterday.

Scottish Cuckoos sitting pretty

23 Nov 2012
BB’s tag transmitted this morning and shows that he is still in Chad. If you zoom in to his position on the map you can see he has not moved from his position on 18 September.  He is 174 km (108 miles) northwest of Sarh, the third largest city in Chad and the capital of Moyen-Chari region.
We received signals from Chance’s tag yesterday and he remains in Gabon, although he is about 32km (20 miles) SW of his position on 12 November. Roy has still not reappeared, with the last date we received any information from his tag being the 4 October. We had hoped that we may have received some news by now.

Lloyd leaves CAR?

23 Nov 2012

We apologise for the silence and lack of updates over the last few weeks but our remaining Cuckoos have shown little activity. However, yesterday evening, a series of transmissions between 6pm and 8pm showed Lloyd beginning to head south. The last, unconfirmed, location showed him still in Central African Republic but 160km (100 miles) south of his previous postion. We will have to wait until the next 'on' period before we see where he is heading. 


Chris moves back north

12 Nov 2012

Chris has returned north after his short southwards movement, transmitting on the 9 November, from the same location he had been in previously. 

Chance in Gabon

12 Nov 2012

Chance was still in Cameroon on 7 November, having been there since 16 October. He has, however, moved rapidly south since then and by the evening of Friday 9 November, he was on the western edge of the Teke Plateau in eastern Gabon. This is a movement of 985km (611 miles) just east of due South within two days. 

Chance is now one of the more southerly of the Cuckoos we are still tracking and becomes the first we have recorded in Gabon. He is, however, biogeographically the first Cuckoo from this year to enter the Teke Plateau, the area of gallery forest and savannah situated mostly in Congo where four of the five Cuckoos tagged in England last year spent the mid-winter period. We expect that BB and Lloyd will follow Chance south soon, as the northern savannahs they are currently occupying in Chad and CAR continue to dry out and areas further south receive more rain. 

Cuckoo update

09 Nov 2012

There are currently just five tagged Cuckoos from which we are still receiving regular transmissions. While BB, LLoyd and David have all transmitted in the last couple of days, none of them have moved from their previous positions. Chris's tag transmitted on 7 November and showed he had made a small movement south of about 34km (21 miles), taking him closer to the Ubangi river. Chance also seems to have made a small movement recently and is now south-west of the Faro Reserve and only 54km (34 miles) from the border with Nigeria. 

Transmissions from Welsh and English Cuckoos

01 Nov 2012

No big movements to report from our remaining English and Welsh Cuckoos. David’s last tag transmission was on 30 October from within Democratic Republic of Congo. He is still in the same position, to the west of southern part of Salonga National Park, Africa's largest tropical rainforest reserve. Meanwhile, Lloyd’s tag signal confirmed that, as of this morning, 1 November, he is still in Central African Republic.  He has shown some local movements, heading northwest a short distance from his position on the 24 October, before then heading back southeast about 60km (37 miles).  Our English Cuckoo, Chris, remains in Congo, his tag transmitting in the early hours of yesterday, 31 October.

Receiving regular transmission from BB and Chance

01 Nov 2012

BB is still in Chad, with a transmission received late last night, while Chance’s tag transmitted the day before, on the evening of 30 October, from Cameroon. About 572km (355 miles) separate Chance and BB from each other.  

Concern for Roy's tag

01 Nov 2012

Roy’s tag has not transmitted since the beginning of October. From the temperature and charge data, there doesn’t seem to be any specific cause for concern but his tag had failed to transmit for three duty cycles before the last messages were received so there may be a problem with it. 


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