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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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Chris alive and on the move

03 Sep 2014
Chris has finally moved south from the lower Po valley! A series of signals received on 1 September show that he left soon after dark and that he was approaching the west end of Sicily around first light yesterday morning. We expect he will have remained on Sicily before leaving for his desert crossing yesterday evening or tonight. 
Chris is currently on a schedule about 6 weeks later than in previous years. We aren't sure why this is but one possible explanation is that he could have been struggling to accumulate the necessary fat deposits due to high parasite loads or some other reduction in body condition. Having been born in 2010, Chris is now quite old for a cuckoo - age-related declines in migratory performance have been noted in other migratory birds, such as Barn Swallows. 

Derek heads east

01 Sep 2014

Since the 27 August Derek left Burkina Faso and headed east. By the 29 August he was in Nigeria and by 31 he was in Cameroon, close to its border with Chad. He has covered over 1800km (1120 miles) in this time and is now one of the more southerly Cuckoos.  

Skinner in Nigeria

27 Aug 2014

By the evening of 25 August, Skinner was on the move again, heading 250km (155  miles) south-east to Nigeria and pausing at a location near Sokoto, close to where the Sokoto river and the Rima river join together. At this time of year there should be regular rainfail.

Dudley becomes our most southerly Cuckoo

22 Aug 2014

Today Dudley has moved 445km (275 miles) in a south-easterly direction and is now in Cameroon. This makes him the most southerly Cuckoo and the first of the Cuckoos this year to transmit from the Congo Basin and the lowland rain forest.

134955 and Chester in Burkina Faso

19 Aug 2014

Cuckoo 134955 has moved east from Mali and is now in Burkina Faso. He has been joined by Chester, who moved on quickly from his location in Mauritania. They are further west than many of the Cuckoos and, by taking the western route through Spain, have a longer journey to get to the Congo Rainforest than some of other Cuckoos but they will have been able to cross the desert at one of its narrowest points.   

Three Cuckoos in Nigeria

15 Aug 2014

Stanley has travelled south from Niger and is now in Nigeria. He joins Sherwood bird Dudley, in the east of Nigeria, and Devon bird Emsworthy, who is about as far east in Nigeria as you can go, close to Nigeria's border with Cameroon. 

Skinner continues south

15 Aug 2014

By 11 August Skinner had journeyed a futher 315km (195 miles) from the location he first grounded in within Mali. Yesterday he had made even more progress and was in Niger. He still has a little way to go to make it to the forest edge further south but hopefully this progress is a good sign. 

134957 reaches Africa

18 Aug 2014

On 10 August 134957 was north-west of Toulouse in southern France. Signals received on 14 August indicated that he had travelled 800km (500 miles) south from there and crossed the Balearic Sea to reach the Algerian coast.  He continued to travel south through Algeria and by 17 August was in Mali, close to the area where Skinner paused his journey for a short time. We will have to wait for further signals to see whether 134957 waits here or pushes on to complete his desert crossing. 

Chester in Algeria

15 Aug 2014

Chester has made his move from Spain and travelled south over the sea to reach Africa.  He has made his way through western Algeria and further poor quality signals indicate he has continued on into Mauritania.  

Derek catches up quickly

11 Aug 2014

Derek may have been the last of our tagged Cuckoos to leave the UK, but he is far from being the last Cuckoo to arrive in Africa.

From Spain he headed across the Mediterannean Sea to reach Algeria by 7 August and continued onwards further south to finish his desert crossing by the 11 August in Burkina Faso. He has covered over 3200km (2000 miles) in 10 days and taken just 3 weeks since leaving the UK to make it to a location south of the Sahara! His longest stopover was in Spain. This is probably one of the fastest journeys we have seen any of our tagged Cuckoos make since the project began.


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