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Updates from our Cuckoos

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Martin moves east

08 Jul 2011
Fixes were received for Martin on both Monday evening (4 July) and yesterday morning (7 July) that placed him in the same area - 50km SSW of Milan, 75km NE of his previous position on the border between Piedmont and Liguria. This north-easterly movement after arrival in Italy mirrors a similar movement by Chris on Wednesday evening - see his blog for further details.

Clement not transmitting

08 Jul 2011

We have received no further positions for Clement since last Sunday (3 July), and have now had two ‘on’ periods for his tag in which no transmissions have been received. Given our recent experience with Chris we are not unduly worried but it will be a relief when we do receive some new positions for him. The charge on his tag had dropped to a very low level when we last heard from him on 3 July.

Chris comes back to life!

04 Jul 2011

Despite, in our last blog, trying to gently prepare people for a possible death in our Cuckoo family, Chris has come alive again! A series of fixes have shown his tag is charging and that he is in the Moselle region of France. He has moved southwards 280km to an area of woods, 40km west of Strasbourg. This area is a popular tourist destination with some spectacular views (try googling the "Pays du Dabo"), so hopefully he is enjoying the views!

Martin speeds south

04 Jul 2011

Martin, along with Chris, has been the star of the show this past weekend. He surprised us last week by rapidly moving into France on the 30 June, and when we received the next signal, he had joined Clement and Kasper on the edge of the Mediterranean. He turned up in northern Italy in the Ligurian region, 50km west of Genoa, moving approx 430km in the 2 days.

Lyster's last fling?

04 Jul 2011

Lyster remains in Broadland and a good quality fix on 2 July put him just to the north of Raveningham. He is the last remaining tagged Cuckoo left in the UK.

Clement stays put?

04 Jul 2011

Clement is another cuckoo where we are having battery charging issues. We received a good series of high-quality fixes on 30 June but only one low accuracy fix on 3 July. We suspect he has not moved as this was in exactly the same place as the fixes a few days before.

Kasper's tag low on power

04 Jul 2011

Kasper has remained in the same area until at least 30th June. His tag does not appear to be charging particularly well so we are only getting intermittent, low accuracy fixes. The single fix we received was of such low accuracy we are not sure if he has moved or not!

Martin follows Clement

30 Jun 2011
Photo from Google earth Streetview
showing the centre of the area in
Auvergne region where Martin is.

Martin has left Breydon Water. At 0921hrs this morning (30 June) he popped up in the Auvergne region of central France – having travelled 715km on a heading near to due south since Tuesday. He is now in a landscape of arable and grazing fields with scattered woodlots (see below for photo from streetview) about 100km south-west of where Clement staged in Burgundy.

Lyster last to leave

30 Jun 2011

On Tuesday afternoon, Lyster was spending time on the Loddon side of the Yare valley – several accurate locations in the evening place him adjacent to Hardley floods.

Kasper settled in Italy

30 Jun 2011

A low accuracy location received this morning (30 June) suggest that Kasper has remained in the same area 50km (30 miles) west of Bologna.


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