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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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David heads south

09 Oct 2015

David has made a move south from Chad and into Central African Republic, travelling 215km (130 miles).  

Disco Tony heads west

09 Oct 2015

Disco Tony has made an interesting and unprecedented movement over the past week, flying almost 400 miles west from Chad into Nigeria. Only Dudley is further west. We will have to wait to see how long he spends here and where he goes to next.   

Concern for Derek

09 Oct 2015

There have been no signals from Derek's tag since the end of August. Looking back at the data we received shows the battery charge was ok and there is no evidence of death. However, the most likely explanation for a sudden loss of signals is that Derek has sadly died. 

Tag problems continue for Hennah

09 Oct 2015

There have been no further signals from Hennah's tag since the middle of August. We think that his tag battery charge is to blame for this as it had dwindled even further before the last messages. The good news is that the temperature data indicated that he was still alive. Signals have been intermittant for some time and between February and April of this year we also went without signals, before he then surprised us by transmitting back in the UK safe and sound. Hopefully we will receive some more in future so that we can continue to follow his journey. 

Vigilamus in rainforest

06 Oct 2015

Vigilamus is the third of our Cuckoos to continue south to the Congo rainforest this year  Having left southern Chad sometime after the 2 October, by the morning of the 4 October he was in northern Republic of Congo, 890km (555 miles) further south. By the 6 he had covered a further 540km (335 miles)  to the Democratic Republic of Congo, just south of Mbandaka, and was in the Congolian Swamp forests that Chris spent the winter in the first two years we tracked him.

Peckham in Gabon

08 Oct 2015

Since the 3 October, Peckham has left Chad and been slowly travelling further south, covering 1300km ( 810 miles)  to reach a new location in the Gabon, in the the depths of the Congo Rainforest by the early morning of 8 October.  Three of our other tagged Cuckoos are also in the rainforest, although they are further east in Democratic Republic of Congo.

Celebrating the life of Chris

23 Sep 2015

With no further news from Chris the Cuckoo, whose last transmission was from the middle of the desert, we have to conclude that he has sadly died. Chris was satellite-tagged in spring 2011 and we have been following his journey for the last four years as he traveled to and from Africa. See our celebration of Chris' journey and just how much he has contributed to our understanding of Cuckoo migration.

Stanley reaches the Congo rainforest

29 Sep 2015

Since the last update, Stanley has travelled 700 miles to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Stanley is now in the same area that he spent the winter of 2014/15 in, next to the River Congo.

Stanley moves to Cameroon

18 Sep 2015

Stanley has moved 370km (230 miles) southeast and has left Nigeria. He is now in northern Cameroon.

Charlie continues south

18 Sep 2015

Charlie has carried on, apparently skirting the Tibesti Mountains where a number of our Cuckoos stopped this year for the first time, to make it across the desert. He is currently located in southern Chad.


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