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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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No news from Peckham

24 Feb 2016

We last heard from Peckham on 13 January. At that time everything seemed OK. He was alive and well and his tag was in good working order. We hope that he has moved into deeper cover, as it seems some of our other Cuckoos have done in the past at this time of the year, and that he will 'pop-up' in the next few weeks when he begins to move again.

Larry still in DRC

24 Feb 2016

A couple of poor quality locations received for Larry on 15 February show that he is still in DRC, close to the Congo border. Hopefully, he will move north and west soon.

Hennah still missing

24 Feb 2016

We last heard from Hennah in August, when his tag looked to be failing. Having not heard from him since we have to assume that ths is the case. At the time of the last locations he seemed to be alive and well. 

Still no news from Disco Tony

24 Feb 2016

We still haven't heard from Disco Tony. Whilst we are a little concerned there is every chance that he will pop back up, just as David has done after a six week absence. We hope that Disco Tony is in deeper cover preparing for his northward journey and that when he moves out into better light, his tag charges and he is picked up again.

David is back!

24 Feb 2016

We were getting slightly concerned about not hearing from David since mid-January. However, after six weeks he has popped back up. He is still in DRC but has moved 242km (150 miles) northwest from his mid-winter location and is now pretty much in the middle of the rainforest.


24 Feb 2016

We last heard from Coo on 13 Feb, showing that he had moved 161km (100 miles) northwest and crossed into Congo. The information received at the time showed that the charge on the tag's battery was low. This is something that we have noticed from other Cuckoos at this time of the year. We think that they move deeper into cover in search of food as they prepare for the next leg of their journey. Hopefully Coo will 'pop-up' again in the next week or two, as he leaves deeper cover, and be on his way back to the UK.

Vigilamus now most northerly Cuckoo

20 Jan 2016

A location received from Vigilamus during the evening of 16 January showed that he had moved 600km (372 miles) north and west of his location in DRC. He is now in the north-west corner of Congo and close to the border with Gabon, so currently our most northerly Cuckoo. He is also our only Cuckoo that is currently north of the Equator and therefore in the northern hemisphere.

No movement from Peckham

20 Jan 2016

We last heard from Peckham on 13 January. The location recieved showed that he was still in the area of Gabon in which he has spent most of the winter. Hopefully we will get an update from him soon.

Larry back in DRC

20 Jan 2016

Having spent the last two months in Angola, Larry is now back in DRC, moving 639km (397 miles) north-east. He is currently 80km (50 miles) east of the border with Congo.

Disco Tony back in Gabon

20 Jan 2016

We haven't heard from Disco Tony since 13 January but at that time he had moved north back into Gabon, around 60km (35 miles) north-east of his previous location in Gabon.


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