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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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PJ still in northern Spain

03 Aug 2020
PJ is still in the Ordesa and Monte Perdido National Park, Huesca, Spain, and the last update received a couple of days ago shows him in the wooded valley below the Castillo Mayor mountain. Castillo Mayor is a 2,014m (6,608ft) high limestone platform and the valleys below are home to an extensive mixed forest.

Valentine has crossed the Sahara

03 Aug 2020
Over the last few days Valentine has made a huge movement south, flying 2,840 km (1,764 miles) from his previous location in southern Spain across the Sahara into Mali. At 05:37 this morning he was in southern Mali, approximately 320 km (199 miles) north-east of the capital Bamoko. In 2019 Valentine first stop after crossing the Sahara was a few hundred miles east in Burkina Faso, where he stayed until mid-November.  

Carlton II edges south

31 Jul 2020
Since our last update Carlton II has flown 108 km (67 miles) south west to a new location near Villoldo, a municipality located in the province of Palencia, Castile and León, Spain. The final data point showed him heading south in the direction of Palencia so it'll be interesting to see whether he has stayed in the same area or pressed on. 

PJ double backs

31 Jul 2020
Over the last few days Suffolk Cuckoo PJ, on his fifth tracked migration to Africa, has made a u-turn. Signals received early yesterday morning show that he has left his previous location in the province of Soria, Castile and León in northern Spain and flown 228 km (141 miles) north west to the southern foothills of the Spanish Pyrenees. He is now on the edge of the Ordesa and Monte Perdido National Park, approximately 70 km (43 miles) north-east of the city of Huesca. We have observed our tagged Cuckoos making u-turns before, we presume that when this happens they are in search of better feeding opportunities. 

Valentine on the move?

27 Jul 2020
New updates received from Valentine's tag early this morning suggest that he may have left France. A single low quality location received at 07:33 this morning place him in south eastern Spain, 41 km (26 miles) NW of the town and seaport of Águilas. He also stopped in southern Spain last year but crossed into northern Africa on 17 July and having cross the Sahara, made his stop over in Burkina Faso. We'll have to await further updates to be sure of Valentine's new location. 

Carlton II in northern Spain

27 Jul 2020
Over the last couple of weeks Carlton II has been exploring the Cantabrian mountains of northern Spain. Having initially stopped approximately 48 km (30 miles) N-NE of the city of Burgos in the eastern part of the mountain range, he travelled 215 km (133 miles) west towards Lugo before returning to his starting location. It has been particularly wet in this area over the past couple of weeks and we suspect that when he travelled west he reached the edge of the rain and turned back. The wet conditions provide good feeding opportunities for our Cuckoos. Carlton II is now around 48 km (30 miles) N-NE of the City of Burgos. In 2018 he left northern Spain on 6 August and last year he departed on 28 July. In both previous years he has stopped off in Senegal after crossing the Sahara. 

PJ sitting tight

27 Jul 2020
Since our last update PJ has remained in the same forested area in the municipality of Tardelcuende in the province of Soria, Castile and León in northern Spain. Last year he left northern Spain on 28 July and in 2018 he departed on 29 July so we can expect him to make his next move very soon. 

Valentine visits the south of France

10 Jul 2020
Valentine has flown a further 512 km (319 miles) south and by yesterday evening was in an area of farmland just east of Nimes. Last year his route took him further west down through Spain so it'll be interesting to see whether he flies direct to Africa from France or travels first out to Spain. 

PJ arrives in Spain

10 Jul 2020
Updates received from PJ's tag yesterday morning showed that he had flown 678 km (421 miles) south west from his last location in France to a new location in Navarra, northern Spain. He stopped approximately 25 km (16 miles) north of Pamplona. Further updates received early this morning however suggest that he quickly moved on from here, with a few low quality locations showing him 175 km (108 miles) south west, in a forested area in the municipality of Tardelcuende in the province of Soria, Castile and León. We'll have to await further updates to be sure of PJ's current location. His route so far looks very similar to the route he followed south last year. 

Carlton II crosses into Spain

09 Jul 2020
A new update received yesterday evening shows that Carlton II has flown 261 miles (420 km) south-west over the border into northern Spain. He is now approximately 30 miles (48 km) N-NE of the city of Burgos. 


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