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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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The end of the road for Cuckoo JAC

09 Jun 2023

We are very sad to report that we have heard the last from Cuckoo JAC.

JAC, named in loving memory of Professor Jenny Clack, was tagged at World’s End near Llangollen on 1 June 2021. Since then we have had the privilege of tracking him over two full migration cycles from Wales to Africa and back.

His route south across the Sahara took him via Algeria and Mali to the Sahelian areas of Burkina Faso or Niger. He then spent some time in northern Nigeria before heading on to the Congo. On his return migration north, he visited West Africa where he stopped in Ivory Coast in 2022 and Guinea in 2023, arriving back in Llangollen around the end of April each year. 

The diagnostic data received from his tag shows the recorded temperature dropping and this, along with the fact that he appears to have been stationary for quite a while, suggests that he has perished (rather than there being a tag failure).

He has made a very valuable contribution to our growing knowledge of Cuckoo ecology and we will miss reporting on his movements.  

Bluey moves south

08 Jun 2023

Over the last couple of days, Bluey has left Knepp and flown approximately 15 km (9 miles) south-east towards Shoreham-by-Sea in West Sussex. After popping briefly into Buckingham Park, he has been exploring the area around the village of Upper Bleeding. It’ll be interesting to see whether this is the start of his migration or if he will head back towards Knepp. 

Introducing Cuckoo Michael

07 Jun 2023

Cuckoo Michael was tagged on Loddon Common in the Norfolk Broads, and after retrieving him from the nets, the team made the exciting discovery that he was already fitted with a BTO ring. We soon discovered that he had been ringed in May 2019 at Wicken Fen in Cambridgeshire. We were touched to discover that the ringer was the late Michael Holdsworth, a member of the Wicken Fen Ringing Group and a wonderfully supportive BTO member who sadly passed away unexpectedly in 2021.

An anonymous donor has kindly agreed for us to name this bird Michael in his memory. Having been instrumental in our Spotted Flycatcher tracking work, Michael would have been thrilled to know that the Cuckoo he had ringed had been recaught and that we would be tracking his movements from now on. Since being tagged, Michael has remained at his breeding grounds on Loddon Common. 

Introducing Jasper

07 Jun 2023

Jasper was the first Cuckoo tagged in 2023.

Since being tagged on 12 May, he has remained near his tagging location in the King’s Forest, a few miles south-west of our headquarters in Thetford. 


07 Jun 2023

Trent was caught close to the village of Ryall in south Worcestershire, at a time when the tagging team had all but given up hope of catching anything that day.

With rain threatening on the evening of 19 May, they spotted a Cuckoo dropping down to the ground near their mist nets as it attempted to avoid a Meadow Pipit, which was mobbing it.

As the team moved in for a closer look, the Cuckoo reappeared and flew straight into their net.

Since being tagged Trent has remained in the same area. 

Introducing Cuach Carran

07 Jun 2023

Cuach is the Irish name for Cuckoo, and Carran is the name of a mountain in the Burren National Park where this bird was tagged.

On examining him, the tagging team were able to establish that Carran is a juvenile male, hatched last year. All of our other tagged birds this year are full adults.

Since being tagged, Carran has remained at his tagging location.  

Introducing Cuach Cores

07 Jun 2023

Cuach is Irish for Cuckoo, and Cores is a mountain in Killarney National Park where this bird was tagged. He was one of several handsome male Cuckoos caught by the tagging team on the morning of 17 May.

On 3 June Cores had moved east to a new position, just south of Ballincollig, but he soon progressed to the coast before moving north to Slievenamon Bog.

He has since moved west, and at lunchtime on 6 June he was in or over Garryowen, a suburb of Limerick. 

Introducing KP

07 Jun 2023

Cuckoo KP was tagged at Incheens in Killarney National Park, one of several male Cuckoos caught by our team on the morning of 17 May. He is one of four Cuckoos tagged in Ireland this year.

Since being tagged, KP has remained in the same area. 

Introducing Cuach Torc

07 Jun 2023

Cuach is the Irish name for Cuckoo, and Torc is the name of one of the mountains in Killarney National Park where he was tagged.

Torc was one of three handsome male Cuckoos caught by the tagging team on the morning of 17 May. 

Over the weekend Torc has flown 136 km (84 miles) north-east and is now close to the town of Clonmel in County Tipperary. 

Welcome back Cuckoo Bluey

07 Jun 2023

In early May we were surprised to receive a photograph of a satellite-tagged Cuckoo on the Knepp Estate in Sussex. This was unexpected, because although we have previously tagged birds at Knepp, we had lost contact with them all, either because they had died or the tag had failed.

So it was with great excitement that the team approached their nets early on the morning of 18 May after watching a tagged Cuckoo fly towards them. They had indeed caught the tagged bird and they soon discovered that this was Bluey, originally tagged in May 2022 at Knepp.

We tracked Bluey south across the Sahara to the border region between Mali and Senegal but lost contact with him in late July 2022. The diagnostic data from his tag did not suggest any sort of tag malfunction so we concluded that he had perished.

It was a joy to hear that he was alive and well back in Sussex. He appeared to be in good health, so the team removed his original tag and fitted him with a new tag; hopefully, this one will last longer. The map on this page will show his movements since having his new tag fitted in May 2023. We are hoping that we’ll be able to find out why his original tag failed.

Since being tagged, Bluey has remained on the Knepp Estate. 


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