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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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Lyster is second to cross the equator

03 Nov 2011

Lyster has moved further south. He arrived in Congo on 29th October, however, a transmission from him in the early hours of this morning shows that he has moved further into Congo and is now 70km (42miles) further south-east than he was on the 29th. He is just north of Okoyo near to a tributary of the Congo river and is the second Cuckoo to cross the equator.

Martin still in CAR

03 Nov 2011

Early this afternoon, we received a transmission that showed Martin was still in CAR and is making short flights in the area.

Little change from Chris

03 Nov 2011

At 07.51 on 1 November we received a transmission from Chris that showed he was still close to the river Ubangi within Congo.

No change from Kasper

03 Nov 2011

The last transmission from Kasper was received on 1st November and shows that he is still north of Brazzaville, Congo. He has been joined south of the equator by Lyster!

Clement feeding up?

03 Nov 2011

We heard from Clement on 2 November at 09:11. He is still in the same area in Nigeria but has been making lots of short feeding flights. Could he be getting ready to join the others further south?

Lyster is our third Cuckoo in Congo

31 Oct 2011

Having stayed in Gabon for around 3 days, Lyster has moved again. At 4.13am on the 29th October he transmitted from Congo, 12km north-west of Ewo and 300km north-west of Kasper who is also in Congo, along with Chris. He certainly is making up for lost time!

Kasper still in Congo

31 Oct 2011

Kasper was the second of the Cuckoos to move into Congo, transmitting from here for the first time on 25 October. He is further south within Congo than Chris, who arrived here on 12th Oct, and than Lyster, the new arrival into Congo, who joined them on the 29th. Kasper is currently 58km north-west of Kinshasa.

Will Martin head to the Congo?

31 Oct 2011

Martin last transmitted on the 29 October at 19.02 and is still in the Central African Republic. He has been here since the 27th September. Chris joined him in CAR for a brief while before moving onwards and is now in the Congo. Will Martin follow the other three Cuckoos in to Congo or continue to reside in nearby CAR for the winter?

Chris joined by Lyster

31 Oct 2011

Chris last transmitted on the 27 October at 12.58 and is still in Congo, close to the Ubangi River. Lyster has made a recent movement from Gabon and has joined him in Congo.

Strong tranmissions from Clement

31 Oct 2011

Clement started transmitting a strong signal today and is still in the area between the Lame Burra Game Reserve and the Yankari Game Reserve in Nigeria. Although the first to leave the UK, he is now the most northerly of our five Cuckoos. How long will it be before Clement joins the other four Cuckoos in the Congo Rainforest?


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