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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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Patch in Italy

14 Aug 2013

Patch is making his way south and has travelled from Austria to northern Italy.  On 10 August he was still close to Schwaz, Austria but by the afternoon of 12 August he was 260km (160 miles) further south, near Remedello, in the province of Brescia, and just 28km (17 miles) south-west of Lake Garda. Despite this movement, he is still currently the most northerly Cuckoo of our tagged birds . 

Derek in Nigeria

12 Aug 2013

Derek has moved quickly onwards from Burkina Faso, where he was on 8 August, and travelled east to the Kebbi region in north-western Nigeria, covering about 500km (310 miles) with this latest movement.

Nick moves east to Burkina Faso

12 Aug 2013

Nick has joined Ken in Burkina Faso, transmitting from a location in the protected Maro forest area, 105km (65 miles) south of Ken's position, early on 11 August.

Chance in Niger

12 Aug 2013

A series of poor quality locations were received from Chance's tag on 8 August which revealed that Chance had left Germany and was crossing over Libya but it wasn't until 11 August that we received a good location for him to confirm that he had made it to Africa. From the location within Libya he had carried on another 1330km (830 miles), successfully completing his desert crossing and making it to the zinder region of south Niger.  

This is very similar to Chance's movements last year, with him transmitting from north Niger on 10 August 2012. After this he moved east to Chad and spent some time near Lake Chad. Will he do the same this year?  

Skinner crosses desert

12 Aug 2013

Skinner’s last transmission from Spain was on 7 August and by the evening of 9 August, Skinner had left the country, crossed the sea, flown over the Atlas Mountains and was continuing south over Algeria. A series of transmissions show him continuing his migration over the evening of the 9 and throughout the day of 10 August.  Further transmissions received today reveal he rested in the desert for several hours before continuing onwards and a good location shows him later on in central Mali. Since the 7 August he has flown at least 2805km (1745 miles)!

Ken moves to Burkina Faso

09 Aug 2013

Ken has continued on from his location on and has covered 330km (205 miles), just enough to take him 25km (15 miles) within the border of Burkina Faso, where fellow Norfolk Cuckoo, Derek, has also recently arrived after completing his desert crossing. He is now north-est of Mawé, a town in the Banwa Province. It's amazing to see that Nick, Derek and Ken are all now on a very similar longitude to each other, and that it's not dissimilar to those Cuckoos which travelled further east.  


Derek completes crossing!

09 Aug 2013

Derek looks as if has completed his desert crossing! From the locations received in Mali on 6 August, it looks like Derek changed direction and began to head south-east. By 1pm yesterday he had journeyed another 1450km (900 miles) and was in the Est Region of Burkina Faso! He is about 75km (46 miles) north-west of the Pama and Singou reserves and Arli National Park.  At almost the same time, Ken also transmitted from the north-west of Burkina Faso.  Around 475km (295 miles) separates their locations.  

Derek crossing the desert

07 Aug 2013

Derek has left Spain and is now in Africa! Signals yesterday afternoon show him over Algeria and continuing on over Mali before the transmission period ended. We will have to wait for further signals to confirm he has made it across the desert. 

Whortle moves south

06 Aug 2013

Since the 30 July, Whortle has flown 135km (83 miles) south within Spain, leaving the area he had been in for two weeks, and is now close to Linares de Mora in Teruel. Could he be getting ready to continue to Africa soon?

Nick making good progress

06 Aug 2013

From north-west of Bamako on 28 July, Nick has moved south-east 280km (175 miles) in the direction of Burkino Faso, through which Lyster and Clement both passed through in the first year of the project, and was close to the village of Bondo.  Last year none of the three Cuckoos that chose the route via Spain and west Africa survived, so it is good to see that conditions have been more favourable to Nick and Ken this year. Hopefully the further four Cuckoos who have taken this route and are currently in Spain and north Africa will fare well too when they follow shortly.  


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