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Selborne has crossed the desert

17 Jul 2018
Selborne left Spain on 11 July this year, heading almost due south into Morocco before drifting east into Algeria and then heading  west and on to southeastern Mali. He his in the same location, north of the capital, Bamoko, that he used as his post-desert stopover site in 2016. He moved west from this location on 23 July in 2016 but had arrived there six days earlier than this year. It will be interesting to see how long he remains here this year.

Cameron has moved south and east

17 Jul 2018
Locations received from Cameron's tag during the early hours of 17 July showed that he was on the move, heading south and east into Nigeria. By breakfast he had reached the Sokoto River and was just south of the town of Kalgo. This will show on his map when it automatically updates.

Bowie moves again

17 Jul 2018
During the last couple of days Bowie has moved south and east and is now in Chad and just to the northwest of Manda National Park. Since leaving the New Forest on 12 June he has flown 4,893km (3,040 miles). He has averaged 139km (86 miles) per day during his travels so far.

Sylvester on the move

13 Jul 2018
Sylvester has crossed the Pyrenees and is in central Spain. He is to the west of the medieval town of Avila. He has Selborne, a New Forest Cuckoo about 70km (45 miles) to his west and Raymond, a Knepp Estate Cuckoo 200km (128 miles) to his east. It will be interesting to see which of these is the first to head south from here.

PJ on the move

13 Jul 2018
Having spent the last 6 days on the southern edge of the Pyrenees, PJ has moved. He is now 195km (121 miles) southwest of his previous location, and is to the west of Zaragoza. Might this be the start of his big push south?

Cameron in the Sahel

13 Jul 2018
The winds do seem to have helped Cameron across the desert. During the afternoon of 12 July his tag showed that he was in the very southeast corner of Niger, close to the border with Burkina Faso. He is 19km (11 miles) north of the Niger River in an area of acacia forest and on the southern edge of the desert.

Victor has successfully crossed the Sahara

12 Jul 2018

It seems Victor might have had an interesting flight over the desert. He started his crossing in a southeasterly direction but about a third of the way into the desert he began heading west and continued on this track all the way to Burkina Faso and the southern edge of the desert. Burkina Faso has been his staging area for the last two years, in 2017 he arrived here on 19 Jul and on 1 August in 2016.

It is interesting to look at the winds during his crossing. For the first part, when he was heading east, he was flying into a light headwind coming from the southeast, roughly at the point he started heading west he met a light headwind coming from the southwest. We know that birds prefer to fly into light headwinds, doing so gives them a greater degree of control over their flight than a tailwind would, but it is great to see this in action. Of course if the headwind is too strong birds will sit it out until conditions improve.

Thomas in southern Morocco

12 Jul 2018
Thomas is on the brink of his desert crossing on the northern edge of the desert in the Anti Atlas Mountains of Morocco. If he crosses in a straight line from here he will cross at the desert's narrowest point, around 1,900km (1,200 miles). Next stop Mali?

Bowie has crossed the desert

12 Jul 2018
The poor locations received during the last few days were right, Bowie was crossing the desert. Yesterday evening his tag showed that he had successfully crossed the Sahara and was in northern Cameroon close to the Waza National Park. The park is largely open savannah forest with the yaere floodplain to the north. It will be interesting to see how long Bowie remains here, recuperating after the 2,800km (1,700 miles) flight over the desert.

Knepp is in Spain

11 Jul 2018
Knepp is very close to the Portuguese border. Another 5km (3 miles) and he would have crossed the border into Portugal and added a new country to those that our tagged Cuckoos have visited so far. He is currently close to the Spanish town of Trabazos.


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