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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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Larry looks busy

04 Jun 2019
Since he has been back in the Forest of Bowland Larry has been moving around his breeding site a lot. Whether this is because he is looking for female Cuckoos, or chasing female Cuckoos we don't really know but he is visiting every corner of his territory. In previous years Larry's departure date for his flight back to Africa have been 27 June, 2015, 24 June 2016, 20 June 2017 and 23 June 2018, so it looks like he will be around the Forest of Bowland for at least a couple of more weeks.

Lambert very active around Knepp

04 Jun 2019
Lambert has been back in the UK for almost a month and during this time he has been moving around the Knepp Estate area. He has ranged as far north as Southwater and as far south as Ashington. In the last week he has spent quite a bit of time in the area between Whitehall and Dial Post.

Knepp still at Knepp

04 Jun 2019
Since arriving back on the Knepp Estate in late April, Knepp has been faithful to the site. During the last week or so he has been spending a lot of his time close to the village of Whitehall. Knepp was the first of our satellite tagged Cuckoos to arrive back in the UK on 25 April, in the past a few of our Cuckoos have headed back to Africa during the first week of June. Might Knepp be one of these? Watch this space.

Carlton II moving around Suffolk

04 Jun 2019
Since arriving back at Carlton Marshes, Suffolk, during the first week of May, Carlton II seems to have been spending most of his time a little further to the west, just to the north of Haddiscoe Marshes and Thorpe. Currently he is further north still, frequenting the area between the rivers Yare and Waveney, close to Burgh Castle.

Raymond returns!

22 May 2019
Finally at 20:59 last night we received an update showing that Raymond had flown the final 198 miles from northern France back across the Channel to the Knepp Estate in Sussex. All three birds tagged at Knepp last year have now successfully completed their migrations to Africa and back again.

Bonjour Raymond!

10 May 2019
Sussex Cuckoos Knepp and Raymond have already made it back to the Knepp Estate where they were tagged last year. Arriving fashionably late to the party, we hope, will be the third Sussex Cuckoo, Raymond. Also tagged on the Knepp Estate, Raymond spent the winter in Congo, approximately 750 Km (466 miles) north of Lambert and Knepp. Since crossing the Sahara Raymond has been making steady progress north. Over the last few days he has flown 555 Km (345 miles) north east from La Higuera in the province of Avila, Castile & Leon in Spain and is now near Lencouacq in Nouvelle-Aquitaine in south-western France. He now has just 766 Km (476 miles) of his 14,000 Km (8,700 miles) journey to go until he is also back at Knepp.

Lambert is back

08 May 2019
An update received from Lambert's tag at 04:50 this morning showed that Lambert had succesfully covered the remaining 498 Km (309 miles) from his last location near Mazieres-en-Gatine in west central France to his breeding grounds in Sussex. Lambert is one of three Cuckoos tagged on the Knepp Estate.

Victor is gone

08 May 2019
We last heard from Victor on April 10 when he had just completed his desert crossing and was near the Algerian oasis town of Mansourah, at the northern edge of the Sahara. Based on the data we have received we can't be sure whether Victor has perished or it is his tag that has failed. The project will benefit greatly from the data contributed by Victor since he was first tagged in 2016 and we are grateful to everyone that sponsored and supported him. 

The end of the road for Bowie

08 May 2019
We last heard from Bowie's tag when he was near the Algerian town of Hammam Righa on the Oued Djer River. On examining the data it looks like Bowie was struggling in the latter part of his northward desert crossing and spent at least six hours on the desert floor on the morning of 11 April. The temperature data recorded by his tag suggest he died on 13 April, soon after his arrival at the final location.  Bowie has gien us useful information about his southward migration, wintering areas and northwards migration as far as north Africa, all of which helps extend our knowledge of Cuckoo migration. We are grateful to all of Bowie's sponsors and supporters. 

Raymond in Spain

08 May 2019
Raymond has been making steady progress north since crossing the Sahara. In the last few days he crossed into Spain, stopping briefly near Puebla de Don Rodrigo, a municipality in Ciudad Real, Castile-La Mancha. He has since flown a further 130 Km (80 miles) north to his current location 117 Km (73 miles) west of Madrid, near La Higuera in the province of Avila, Castile & Leon in Spain. Raymond has another 1,250 Km (777 miles) to fly before he reaches the Knepp Estate where he was tagged. 


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