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Iolo makes the first move

18 May 2012

Iolo was the first of our Welsh Cuckoos to make a move east, having arrived near Mildenhall, only 20km (12 miles) from BTO HQ, on 7 June - a week after he was tagged near Tregaron! By11 June he had moved 40km (25 miles) north to a location near to Tottenhill, 10km south of King's Lynn. The last transmissions received from Iolo's tag on 16 June indicated that he was still in that area.

115597 moves east

18 May 2012

Our nameless Welsh Cuckoo was the second to leave Wales, following Iolo. On the evening of the Tuesday 12 June we received data from tag 115597 showing our Cuckoo to still be in the area where he was tagged, near Tregaron. By the evening of the next day (13 June) Cuckoo 115597 had moved approximately 160km (100 miles) SE, having crossed the border into England, and was in Wiltshire, 5km north of Devizes.

Transmissions received unexpectedly on the 14 (his tag was not due to have transmitted until the following day - its duty cycle may have been reset by perching on electric cables or exposure to a similar magnetic charge) showed that he had moved a further 160km (100 miles) in an easterly direction and was 8km (5m) north of Sevenoaks in Kent. That's a total distance of 310km (195 miles) covered in two days. Further data received on Saturday 16 June show that he remains in this area of Kent.

Kasper's journey at an end

13 Jun 2012

With no further transmission from Kasper's tag we have had to accept that his journey has come to an end.

David tagged 30 May

30 May 2012

At least two years old and an adult male, Cuckoo 115594 was tagged on 30 May 2012 near Tregaron, Ceredigion, Wales. Since he was caught he has remained in the area of Tregaron.

Tagged 29 May

29 May 2012

Tagged on the 29 May 2012 near Tregaron, Ceredigion, Wales, Cuckoo 115597 is in his second summer, having hatched during the summer of 2011. He has remained in the Tregaron area since his tag was fitted.

Iolo tagged 31 May

31 May 2012

Iolo was caught and tagged at Ponterhydfendigaid, Ceredigion, Wales on the last day of May 2012. Since being tagged he has moved from Wales across the Midlands into Norfolk. Iolo hatched in the summer of 2011 and is a one year old male.

Indy tagged 30 May

30 May 2012

Indy was tagged at Cors Caron, Ceredigion, Wales. and is at least one year old. Since being caught on 30 May 2012 he has remained in the area. 

Tagged 10 June

10 Jun 2012

Cuckoo 115590 is the first female cuckoo to have a satellite tag fitted. She joins five male birds that have been tagged in Wales. She is an adult of at least two years  of age and was caught in the Brechfa Forest, Carmarthanshire, Wales, on 10 June 2012.

Wallace tagged 15 May

15 May 2012

Wallace is an adult male Cuckoo of at least two years of age. He was caught and had his satellite tag fitted on the southern shore of Loch Katrine, Stirling, on 15 May 2012.

BB tagged 17 May

17 May 2012

The south shore of Loch Katrine, Stirling, was the catching site for Cuckoo 115591.  Caught on 17 May 2012 this is BB’s second summer in the UK, having hatched during the summer of 2011. 


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