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Disco Tony

Disco Tony is named in tribute to Tony Cross - who has been part of the Cuckoo tagging team in Wales since the first bird was tagged there in 2012.

Friday, June 12, 2015 - 01:00
Tagging Location:
Tregaron, Wales
Age when found:
Satellite Tag No.:
Wing Length (mm):

Disco Tony's journey from 12 June 2015 to 22 September 2016

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Disco Tony's position on
22 Sep 2016
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Disco Tony's movements

04 Oct 2016 - Goodbye Disco Tony

We were hopeful that when, and if, Disco Tony's tag burst back into life it would show that he had successfully crossed the Sahara. However, a series of poor locations received on 4 October show that he is still in southern France and we have to conclude that we have lost him. Last year he left northern Italy on 19 August and was by Lake Chad by the end of the month. Even though he was running very late this year he wasn't the only one, and we hoped that he still might be OK but it doesn't seem to be the case and we have to say a very sad goodbye to Disco Tony.

19 Sep 2016 - Still no news

We still have no further news of Disco Tony. There is a slim chance that his tag will still spring back into life, and we have our fingers crossed that this will be the case.

06 Sep 2016 - Nothing from Disco-Tony

We have lost contact with Disco Tony and at this stage it looks like his tag might have failed. Only time will tell if it bursts into life again. We have 'lost' Cuckoos for up to six weeks, only for their tags to start transmitting again, hopefully this will be the case with Disco Tony's tag.

25 Aug 2016 - Disco Tony still in France?

We haven't heard from Disco Tony's tag since 12 August, when a poor quality location showed that he was still in southern France.We haven't received a good quality location from Disco Tony since he arrived in southern France in mid-July, which suggests there might be an issue with his tag. We wouldn't be surprised if he dosen't pop-up somewhere further south - only time will tell.

12 Jul 2016 - Disco Tony close to the Mediterranean coast

Disco Tony has headed south and is currently northeast of Montpellier on the French Mediterranean coast. Looking at his previous southerly migration we expect him to head east into northern Italy any day now.

Past updates from Disco_tony

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“This is my first year following the Cuckoo’s journey and I would like to thank you for the happiness and pleasure it has given me reading your updates. I look forward to the next journeys. Amazing!”

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© British Trust for Ornithology.
