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Carlton II

Named by the Suffolk Wildlife Trust as he was tagged at Carlton Marshes in Lowestoft, part of the beautiful Suffolk Broads and a nature reserve managed by the Trust.

Carlton II the Cuckoo
Saturday, May 12, 2018 - 08:00
Tagging Location:
Carlton Marshes, Suffolk Broads
Age when found:
Over one year
Satellite Tag No.:
Wing Length (mm):

Carlton II's journey from 01 May 2020 to 26 February 2021

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Carlton II's movements

17 Jun 2021 - No more updates from Carlton II

We've had no further updates from Carlton II's tag since 26th February 2021 so sadly we are unlikely to hear from him again. There is nothing to suggest that Carlton II has perished - there was no indication of a problem based on the temperature reported by the tag up to the last one on 26th February. However the battery charge had been low for a long time and so would be susceptible to damage, especially as he then went into dense forest. He may have perished since then, or the battery may have been damaged. Battery failure is a perfectly possible explanation for his disappearance based on the data we have.

19 Mar 2021 - No further news from Carlton II

We've had no further messages from Carlton II's tag since 26 Feb when he was in the forest zone of north eastern Gabon. Although the tag's battery was very low at the time, based on the data collected by the onboard temperature sensor, there's no indication of a problem with the tag. Hopefully we will hear from Carlton II very soon.

26 Feb 2021 - Carlton II is on his way

Carlton II has followed PJ's lead and has started his migration back to the UK. He has spent the winter in central Gabon and over the last few days he has flown 300 km (186 miles) north towards the border between Gabon and Cameroon, and is now in the Minkebe National Park in north east Gabon. Carlton II was tagged in the spring of 2018, and in 2019 he made his first move north on 15 March. Last year he started his journey on 7 March, so he is a couple of weeks ahead of schedule this year. His route back to the UK will take him out to Ivory Coast, Liberia or Sierra Leone in West Africa where he will feed up before embarking on his Sahara crossing.

15 Feb 2021 - Carlton II still in Gabon

Carlton II arrived in Gabon at the end of November and remains there, in the dense rainforest of central Gabon. The most recent update from his tag arrived a few days ago so his tag appears to be working fine and hopefully we will see him move north over the coming few weeks. 

17 Nov 2020 - Carlton II flies to Gabon

Updates received from Carlton II late on Sunday evening showed that he had finally left Nigeria and flown 1,157 km (720 miles) south east over Cameroon and into Gabon. He is now in dense rainforest in central Gabon and just 128 km (80 miles) west of PJ. 

Past updates from Carlton_ii

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© British Trust for Ornithology.