Counting birds and the Wetland Bird Survey (Tuesday 24 September, 7pm)

Pink-footed Geese. Chas Holt / BTO
Jenny Donelan, Rob Jaques, Gill Birtles
Tuesday, September 24, 2024 - 19:00 to 20:45
Fully booked

Learn how to count flocks of birds and how to put your skills to use in the Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS)

This course involves one online session of about 1 hour 45 minutes, with a trainer:participant ratio of about 1:30. Participants' microphones are muted during the presentations but there is a large interactive component, and an opportunity to 'Ask a WeBSpert' questions about the survey. The live session is complemented by supported self-study exercises which participants are encouraged to complete afterwards.

In order to participate you will need:

  • broadband of sufficient speed to view live video
  • a computer with sound and ideally a webcam, or a tablet/smartphone.

This course complements two other online courses: Wader ID and Waterbird ID. Details of these can be found on our training courses pages.

The training will be run by BTO staff Jenny Donelan, Rob Jaques and Gill Birtles, all experienced birdwatchers, surveyors and trainers.

CONTENT: We will introduce various techniques for counting large groups of birds in a range of settings, and use interactive exercises for you to practice these skills. There will be an introduction to WeBS, with tips and hints to help you get started with this engaging survey. This course will not cover any aspects of identification.

COST: This one-session course is free of charge. If you need to brush up on your identification of waterbirds and/or waders, please consider attending one or both of the identification courses mentioned above.

*** This free course is for amateur birdwatchers and bird survey volunteers who are based in the UK. Professionals seeking training should contact us by email. ***

After booking you should receive an automatic confirmation email. If this doesn’t arrive, please check your spam/junk email folder and if it is not there, or you have any other questions or booking issues, email us at training [at]