Our team

BTO Garden BirdWatch is coordinated from the BTO headquarters at Thetford in Norfolk. Our staff and volunteer GBW Ambassadors also travel to events and give talks around the country to raise awareness of garden bird recording.

Volunteers sometimes join us at regional events, helping to promote the project or helping us at our conferences. Contact gbw@bto.org for more information or call us on 01842 750050.

Of course, the most important people in Garden BirdWatch are the Garden BirdWatchers sending in information on the birds using their gardens.

The BTO Garden BirdWatch & Membership Supporter Team staff are:

  • Santiago Cardenas (GBW Survey Organiser)
  • Sam Graham (Senior Supporter Administrator)
  • Susan Jones (Supporter Development Officer)
  • Samantha Culverhouse (Supporter Administrator)
  • Amanda Gee (Supporter Administrator)

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