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Press releases

Migfest 2021 tickets selling fast

August 2021

The Spurn Migration Festival 2021 will be held at Kilnsea, Spurn on 10-12 September and tickets for the event are selling fast...

The British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) receives grant of £110,200 from the Government’s Green Recovery Challenge Fund

July 2021

BTO Youth Advisory Panel’s (YAP), Youth leadership putting diversity at the heart of nature’s future project, will use the funding to connect more young people with nature and ultimately, to attract a wider diversity of young people to work in the environmental sector...

Where are our garden butterflies?

July 2021

The cold 2021 spring and early summer seems to have had an impact on some of our garden butterflies – so far in 2021 nearly all of the 13 species, monitored as part of the British Trust for Ornithology’s (BTO) Garden BirdWatch (GBW), are being seen in fewer gardens and are also appearing later than usual...

East Anglia’s record breaking Cuckoo is off again!

July 2021

PJ, the Suffolk-based satellite tag-wearing Cuckoo who recently completed his fifth whole migration to and from Africa, flying over 50,000 miles in doing so, is off again – he left Suffolk heading south on 9 July...

Worcestershire Cuckoos are go!

July 2021

Three Worcestershire Cuckoos fitted with satellite tags by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) this spring are at the start of a 5,000 mile journey south that will help scientists understand why their numbers in the UK are falling...

Summer is over – at least for one Welsh Cuckoo

June 2021

A cuckoo named JAC, fitted with a satellite tag at World’s End, Llangollen, by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) this spring, has already left Wales and begun his long journey south...

Scottish Cuckoos are go!

June 2021

Three Cuckoos fitted with satellite tags by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) this spring have already left Scotland and begun their long journey south...

Eleven Cuckoos with backpacks ready for a mission to help save their kind.

June 2021

The British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) have just finished fitting Cuckoos from different parts of the UK with high-tech backpacks to help fill gaps in what we know about how they fare over their annual cycle...

New study reveals how to save our fastest-declining breeding wader

June 2021

New research from the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) has provided clues as to how to conserve one of our best-loved but declining species – the Curlew...

Martin Garner Spurn Young Birder – it’s back!

June 2021

After a year without this annual celebration of the skill and dedication of young birders from across the UK, Spurn Bird Observatory Trust and the BTO are once again welcoming all young birders to take part in the Martin Garner Spurn Young Birder event...

Where are our bees?

May 2021

Thursday 20 May is World Bee Day and according to the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO), who monitor seven species of bee as part of their weekly Garden BirdWatch survey, bees are being seen in much lower numbers this spring compared to this time last year...

A tale of two warblers – the ups and downs of birds in England

May 2021

The latest BTO/RSPB/JNCC Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) report shows the very different fortunes in England  for two almost identical warblers, the Willow Warbler and the Chiffchaff...

New tools will help to ensure new trees are put in the right place.

May 2021

Ambitious targets have been set for forest expansion across the UK which will provide opportunities for woodland birds but could also pose threats for species reliant on open habitats...

Spurn Migration Festival 2021

May 2021

The dates have been announced for the Spurn Migration Festival...

Record breaking Cuckoo returns to the UK

April 2021

PJ the Cuckoo has returned to his forest home in Suffolk and has become a record breaker whilst doing so...

Did you get a lockdown frog?

April 2021

According to the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO), almost a fifth of the people who take part in their Garden BirdWatch Survey (GBW) had Common Frogs in their gardens during 2020...

British and Irish gardens fuel a novel reverse migration for Blackcaps in winter

April 2021

The allure of garden feeders has transformed the biology of a bird that visits Britain and Ireland for the winter...

UK winter holidays no longer needed by some ducks

April 2021

The latest Wetland Bird Survey Report (WeBS) published today shows that for some species of waterbirds, crossing the North Sea for a winter holiday in the UK may not happen every winter...

Hope for House Sparrows

March 2021

Saturday 20 March is World Sparrow Day and according to the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO), there are reasons to be hopeful for our House Sparrows...

Northern Ireland’s seabirds get an annual health check.

March 2021

2020 produced a mixed bag for Northern Ireland’s seabirds but confirmed the importance of the country’s coastline for its 20 breeding seabird species...

Migration routes of one of Britain’s largest ducks revealed for the first time, but much still remains a mystery

March 2021

New research, just published in the journal Ringing & Migration, has used state of the art tracking technology to investigate how one of Britain's largest ducks, the Shelduck, interacts with offshore wind turbines during their migration across the North Sea...

UK public embraces garden wildlife during coronavirus lockdown

March 2021

Gardens and their wildlife have provided lockdown homeowners with a significant opportunity to engage with nature, so say researchers running the weekly BTO Garden BirdWatch, whose 2020 results have been announced today...

UK's longest running bird survey hit by Covid-19

March 2021

Breeding numbers of Grey Herons have been continuously monitored by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) since 1928, making this the longest data set of any British bird...

Survey of UK's coast highlights change in wintering waterbird populations

March 2021

The findings from a survey of the wintering waterbirds on the UK's non-estuarine coast, delivered by a network of volunteer observers, has revealed significant changes in the numbers of several waterbird species, including Lapwing, Curlew, Redshank, Turnstone, and Sanderling...

New partnership formed to save England’s threatened Curlews

March 2021

The Curlew Recovery Partnership is a new, exciting and transformative initiative, bringing together all those with an interest in Curlew conservation, including land managers, farmers, gamekeepers, policymakers and researchers...

Voluntary move away from lead ammunition shows little progress

February 2021

New research reveals that, a year after the announcement of the voluntary shift away from lead shot to non-lead alternatives, some 99% of shot Pheasants still contain lead shot...

Opening up the hidden world of bats, bush-crickets and small mammals

February 2021

A new online tool, just launched by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO), opens up the previously hidden world of bats, bush-crickets, and small mammals...

The BB/BTO Best Bird Book of the Year 2020

February 2021

British Birds (BB) and the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) announce the winner of the award for Best Bird Book of the Year 2020...

Young wildlife enthusiasts to get much needed equipment in brand new scheme

February 2021

The British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) have just launched a scheme to help redistribute binoculars, telescopes, identification field guides and much more from those that don’t need them anymore, to those that do...

New study identifies woodland management practices that are good for Britain’s bats

November 2020

New research, just published in the journal Forest Ecology and Management, has assessed bat populations across broadleaved woodlands managed in different ways...
